Example sentences of "[vb past] to [pron] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Although Preston still referred to it privately as the God slot , as he had indicated to Kate it made little or no reference to the Almighty .
2 She was getting quite neurotic , Harriet reflected , and the same thought occurred to her now as she checked her image in the full length mirror , tucking her camisole top more neatly in at the waist of her pants and straightening the ornamental clasp of the loose belt she had fastened around her hips .
3 The gangboys were in the entertainment mood tonight , and nothing appealed to them more than watching some asshole respray the ceiling with greymass .
4 He lay back by the open window with his eyes closed and the warm breathless air came to him just as in another cooler season heat fanned from the grid lower down the wall .
5 17 year old Marita Brown was 5 months pregnant , when in the early hours of January the 24th this year , her former boyfriend , Thomas Rennie came to her home after she 'd ended their relationship .
6 And he asked me a lot of very pertinent questions which seemed to me more than idle curiosity .
7 Basically you 'd er just stand back and ha Actually in my platoon of fifty men it happened to me more than it happened to anybody else because I came from Glasgow .
8 Basically you 'd er just stand back and ha Actually in my platoon of fifty men it happened to me more than it happened to anybody else because I came from Glasgow .
9 Your letters are very much appreciated , and thank you especially for the Photos , which are not bad at all , and which handed to me just before we left Sian .
10 Having said that , the £1.6 billion reduces to £0.7 billion once the time-value of money is taken into consideration , and this will be reduced yet again once the Government accepts proposals for Deferred Safestore which we submitted to them more than a year ago .
11 They called to him twice before he heard , and then he started and came after them at a rapid walk , like a man driven by some urgent pain he could not slough off .
12 A counsellor said that many of her clients would say , ‘ If you can do it , so can I ’ , and a physiotherapist found that the misconception that all physiotherapists are very fit helped because her patients assumed that this applied to her even though she was disabled .
13 He pushed her away , but quickly clung to her again when he almost lost his balance .
14 I thought to myself well if I do n't write it down now cos that 's why I got back in my car .
15 And perhaps her friend was right , Lisa thought to herself now as she sank back in her armchair in front of the gas fire , put her feet up at last and took a mouthful of her cocoa .
16 Jean-Claude insisted to me more than once that to trans-pose Le Grand Meaulnes it was essential to have had a childhood like his own .
17 It is your land , Creggan , it is yours … ’ and she spoke to him gently as so often in the past he had spoken to her .
18 But the money with which we paid for the house — and with which she bought her nylons and expensive corsets — came from scrap metal : though her father never spoke to her again after she left her first husband , she was his only child and he died intestate .
19 But when the first baiter led his teams on to an unploughed field he did not have to trouble his head about the width of the stetches : that had been fixed by long usage and probably appeared to him then as unalterable an aspect of the landscape as the roads and the hedges .
20 He smiled to himself rather than to her , the mark of a shy man who was intermittently confident with women , she hoped , rather than the smile also of someone who enjoyed cheating on his expenses .
21 She smiled to herself now as she drove through the outskirts of Edinburgh , eyes fixed like limpets on the black Mercedes in front of her — if she lost sight of Jake now , she was done for !
22 Velma called on Monday , erm , because I rang her up on Sunday to tell her what was happening , cos I mean she did n't know it , we signed our contract and erm I said to her well if we get a date this week , I said could , cos she 's going back to Wales tomorrow , she wo n't be back till after Easter
23 Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and not sure about Friday evening and er she said then she 'll have trouble getting the money over that 's out of them , why the redundancy because been there over two year , so I presume redundancy or holidays or both so Sue said to her well if they were so good to you in the past , but that ai n't the point is it ?
24 I mean I , I was quite fascinated having lunch one day with a journ a Melbourne journalist erm and this was about six months after Murdoch had taken over the Melbourne Sun all this and we were chatting away and I actually threw in the stuff which were saying about how papers are there to make profits these days so that 's what drives them and that journalists journalists on newspapers such as Murdoch 's papers , write what they 're supposed to write and she and I got quite out of with one another and and the bottom liner was that she , she absolutely totally and utterly denied what we were saying and I said to her okay if you were given a story to write you know and it was opposite to how you would view it , what would you do and she said oh well I , I would have to write it and the issue with the Murdoch papers and it 's quite interesting because I mean I 'm sure you can with other newspapers but I , I 've just got a bit more is that Murdoch never ever writes a minute or a memo to his editor or staff saying this is what the line is ever .
25 He therefore considered them of a tradition quite different from that form of conservatism — so admirably defined by Russell Kirk in his study Eliot and his Age ( 1971 , 1984 ) — which , as Eliot said to me more than once , was the best and perhaps the only defence against the extremes of Communism and Fascism .
26 ‘ You need your eyes tested , ’ she said to herself finally as she trudged on up the steps , the melting ice-creams dripping all over her fingers .
27 And apparently Jason Horfitz then said he would n't be passing on the information he had to anybody else as he did n't want to end up in a ditch . ’
28 What was unusual in this case was that even in his great excitement he still carried the photographs of Koko and pointed to them repeatedly as he looked toward the teacher , who nodded and said ‘ Yes ’ to Sherman .
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