Example sentences of "[vb past] to [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This week NO. 4 Commando have moved from the positions they have occupied at Hauger since the 6th june and moved to new positions in the village of Breville , a short distance from here .
2 He sold the chemist 's business in 1872 and moved to new premises at Plymouth Hoe .
3 It 's one of around 60 manuscripts unearthed when Wright and Round , a music publishing company , moved to new premises in Gloucester .
4 Some stayed , some moved to new mines nearer the coast , and some migrated from the region to more prosperous mines in Yorkshire and the Midlands .
5 It moved to new buildings in 1930 in Ruskin Road , where there was provision for 360 pupils .
6 Some managers found it ‘ painful ’ to relinquish their traditional directive management style and moved to other parts of the company .
7 A year as Agricultural Division personnel manager followed ; he moved to General chemicals as general manager in 1986 .
8 North Yorkshire county council also moved to head-off fears about teacher redundancies .
9 Some residents of the countryside , particularly younger sons , moved to urban areas on a permanent basis , but many were employed as dekasegi workers , away for anything up to three years or more .
10 It is possible that he contributed to early issues of the newsbook , but there is no evidence that he was responsible for editing it , and nothing in his future career or conduct to link him directly with the Levellers .
11 As well as Nina , there was the proton accelerator at the Rutherford Laboratories , and Britain contributed to similar accelerators at CERN in Geneva .
12 The ‘ Old Believers ’ , as the schismatics became known , lacked intellectual vigour , but their protest gave expression to more general social discontent and they contributed to popular revolts from that of Stenka Razin ( 1670–71 ) onwards .
13 Yorkshire , in common with East Anglia , has an ever-growing number of memorials , many of them dedicated to Canadian squadrons of Bomber Command .
14 Seven churches and a museum on one day devoted to Byzantine mosaics in Ravenna ; Rimini ; a unique medieval library in Cesena ; and the perfect hilltop town of Urbino , full of fascinating treasures .
15 The official birth of the Italian Transavanguardia movement with which Bonito Oliva 's name is now crucially linked took place in 1979 in an exhibition he organised entitled ‘ Opere fatte ad arte ’ at Acireale , followed the next year by ‘ Aperto 80 ’ at the Biennale which featured the work of Chia , Clemente , Cucchi , De Maria and Paladino , the first in a series of shows devoted to young artists at the Venice festival .
16 In addition to this there are four prestigious galleries which will be used for a changing programme of exhibitions devoted to all aspects of industrial fishing addressing local , national and international topics .
17 And a nasty place it was : jammed with junk Victorian furnishings and attitudes , squirearchical , male , fascistic ( Waugh was as keen on the Croatian Ustashe as he had been on Franco ) , anti-Jewish , bitter against the ‘ common man ’ , devoted to cranky equations between social hierarchy and linguistic purity .
18 Given the sheer volume of works created by people calling themselves artists in the United States during any two-year period , it is unrealistic to think that a museum exhibition devoted to two years of art can give a visitor a sense of the breadth of what is being produced .
19 They made plans to meet in Harry 's room sometimes dating the Christmas Vacation which Edward devoted to intense preparations for an entrance scholarship to Merton and continuous work at Latin and Mathematics for Responsions .
20 For example , a child who is sociable , and is likely to benefit from social and linguistic interactions with other children , may be best placed in an ordinary classroom but with special periods devoted to those areas of language which are giving cause for concern .
21 Direct processing of files organized sequentially or using the indexed sequential technique is covered in the chapters devoted to those types of organization .
22 In a class devoted to vaguely-worded comparisons between different world religions , or to ill-structured discussion of social and socio-political problems where no examination is taken , there may be a tendency to frivolity both in the preparation of the lessons and in the behaviour of the pupils .
23 There is a large number of books and journals devoted to different aspects of such research , which may be employed , though with some caution , for other purposes ( e.g. Engel et al.
24 Shares crashed to new lows in the City on the news , which came just hours after the release of Britain 's better than expected trade figures , though Britain is still well in the red , the latest deficit 's down to one point one billion dollars .
25 The ship was constantly visited by birds , and as it ventured further and further from home shores , Gould 's hopes of seeing new species , or at least species he had never seen alive before , rose to dizzying heights of expectation .
26 Margaret Thatcher rose to half-hearted shouts of ‘ resign ’ from the Labour benches .
27 The patrons rose to new heights of glee .
28 B " Hitler 's prestige rose to new heights in Germany , where relief that war had been avoided was combined with delight in the gains that had been won on the cheap …
29 He always rose to such occasions with confident decisiveness and calm authority .
30 She was one of three long-lived sisters who rose to senior posts in the Army .
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