Example sentences of "[vb past] the large [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Another day and they passed the large green tents of the Red Cross .
2 In October the Coast Guard made the largest maritime seizure when they found 11,500 lb of cocaine on a freighter in the Gulf of Mexico .
3 With the enlargement of the EC , firstly by the accession of the UK , Ireland and Denmark in 1973 , followed by Greece in 1981 , and Spain and Portugal in 1986 , the CU of the EC became the largest regional trading bloc in the world .
4 Aside from ‘ King Tut ’ , which stopped in New Orleans during the late 1970s , ‘ Rameses ’ became the largest international show the South-east had ever seen , attracting nearly 700,000 visitors .
5 Thus Washington State became the largest apple-producing area in the world .
6 The opposition Democratic Left Alliance ( SLD ) thus became the largest parliamentary bloc [ for table of distribution of seats in the Sejm see p. 39016 ] .
7 Frith & Co. became the largest photographic publisher in the world .
8 Indeed , Taiwan became the largest foreign investor in Malaysia during 1988 , in terms of the annual flows of investment .
9 In terms of parliamentary representation , Labour — although receiving less votes than the Tories — became the largest single party ; the Tories had five seats less than Labour ; the Liberals , with their geographically diffuse support , were grossly ‘ under-represented ’ relative to their share of vote , having only fourteen seats ; while the Scottish Nationalists , benefiting from the concentration of their vote , increased their parliamentary contingent from one to seven .
10 With 160 seats , the Communist Party became the largest single party in the new assembly .
11 A new Gaullist party , the Union pour la Nouvelle République ( UNR — Union for the New Republic ) , became the largest single party , in spite of the fact that de Gaulle carefully maintained his distance from it and did not play any role in the election campaign .
12 ‘ What day 's work ? ’ asked the large lovable landlady .
13 As Blumler shows , Prime Minister 's Questions got the largest single proportion of coverage in nearly all news programmes ( rather surprisingly other Questions ( 35% ) outscored the Prime Minister 's ( 23% ) on the BBC 9 O'Clock News ) , but reports of debates also featured highly in the news ( 15% to 29% ) .
14 Richard Edwards , Sales Director of Sekers Fabrics caught the largest deep sea fish of its kind whilst on holiday in Kenya .
15 In Canada he visited the large Armenian community and held talks with Prime Minister Brian Mulroney .
16 He was appointed Speaker of the parliament last year , after the Islamic movement secured the largest single bloc of seats in elections in 1989 .
17 That evening one of the Corporals made me clean out the crow 's cage ; I lifted the large black bird out and parked it on the gravel beside a flowerbed .
18 The Trunchbull now lifted the large blue porcelain water-jug and poured some water into her glass .
19 Together with twenty similar cars built in 1937 by Brush of Loughborough , this comprised the largest single class of trams Blackpool ever had : sixty-five in all .
20 Vancouver boasted the largest Chinese community in the country , and I had made scores of Chinese-Canadian friends .
21 The Supreme Court decision instantly awakened the large silent majority in favour of basic abortion rights .
22 Sunday was the one day of the week when all the boys — particularly those of thirteen or over — enjoyed the largest possible freedom .
23 All members of the Eelavar Democratic Front ( previously known as the Eelam Revolutionary Organization of Students ) , the 11 MPs constituted the largest Tamil bloc in Parliament and the second-largest opposition grouping .
24 Mann had been elected to the Lok Sabha in the November 1989 general election and his faction constituted the largest Sikh contingent in the chamber .
25 Opposition parties face an uphill struggle in their battle to depose long-standing Tory member Michael Mates , who in the 1987 general election polled the largest Tory vote in the country .
26 Suddenly the Trunchbull lunged forward and grabbed the large empty china platter on which the cake had rested .
27 This auction included the largest single collection of paintings and sculptures of cats and dogs , from a deceased estate , but Christie 's spokeswoman Susan Adams added : ‘ We do have mixed properties , too .
28 No grant-aid was available for administrative work , of which Pateman 's salary represented the largest single item .
29 In 1989 , divorced women represented the largest single group of lone parents ( 33% ) .
30 I saw the largest bare belly I 'd ever seen in life .
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