Example sentences of "[vb past] the same [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oddly enough I met the same warrant officer some years later when he was SWO on a station near Warboys and we had many a chuckle about that .
2 The difference was , of course , that they shared the same land mass , and were directly connected to each other by transcontinental tracks .
3 George , 29 , in baseball cap and trainers , and Pam , 41 , sporting a leopardskin outfit and dark glasses , shared the same Virgin flight .
4 In this vector , the left-hand polyhedrin ( Bam HI site ) and p10 ( Spe I/ Sma I sites ) promoters shared the same polyhedrin terminator .
5 This culture , and all subsequent isolates that were identified as the epidemic strain , belonged to bacteriocin type S3/P0:ribotype A , and shared the same CHEF profile .
6 The two men shared the same business address in Essex Street , and were joint founders of a number of periodicals , including the Critic and the Field .
7 All the scores for the trials which involved the same time delay were totalled up .
8 Always more extreme than Braque , Picasso , in his work at Cadaquès in the summer of 1910 , used the same grid type of composition to produce some of the most abstract and hermetic of all Cubist paintings .
9 He worked in another part of the factory , but everyone used the same coffee bar .
10 She had seen that instantly the next afternoon ; in Rachel 's eyes she recognised the same melting joy as she had seen in Lisa 's .
11 If everyone played the same chess game , it would be stalemate .
12 Remains of older persons present more of a problem , and when dealing with earlier populations , it is difficult to be sure that significant age-changes took place at the same time , and that they showed the same group variability , as in modem populations .
13 Er okay , different words to describe the same and indeed they did n't take out of any fund , but they achieved the same end result .
14 Her tutored eye saw that it had been made by a skilled seamstress , the tight , low-cut bodice erupting in a flurry of lace at the breast , the equally tight sleeves stiff with fake pearls and silver thread which formed the same flower design that was on the over-skirt .
15 So he did not wish greatly to eat , although he did , and he kept the same singing pitch running through his being as he talked quietly with Tuathal and Eochaid and the others about what was to be done ; which meant what Siward would do .
16 Both talks came about as a result of requests from friends who attended the same BSc course as Philip and are now teachers .
17 But many of us saw it as an approach which emphasised the need to allow the faith of Christ to be incarnated within particular culture and Sir Paul , the former Archbishop of New Zealand took the same stand point as a Maori , in his own address and called delegates present to speak and act as people of hope and to respond sensitively to economic and environment progility and isolation , not only in the Pacific but wherever they are .
18 Later the same day , with a new vice-president and the senior bursar , he elected the same man steward and clerk of accompts .
19 The tiger that was nearest to him , and which he could see most easily , seemed so bored that he did the same thing day after day , hour after hour .
20 It was rather a coincidence that she was wearing a dark blue guernsey exactly like Laura 's , with a neck which necessitated the same blindfold struggle to get it off About the whole incident Richard felt no dissatisfaction and certainly no regret .
21 However , N-Oct 5 are transcriptionally inert since cotransfection of N-Oct 3 and N-Oct 5 gave the same test gene expression as N-Oct 3 ( Figure 4 , lanes 8 , 9 ) .
22 Even so , that wave of philanthropically inspired work among boys and girls which began in the 1880s had exhausted itself a decade or more later , and despite the opening of new clubs and the formation of the Scouts , youth work no longer inspired the same missionary zeal .
23 They were discovered by Sir Hugh Trumpington , who raised the alarm , but one of Montague 's men seized a mace ‘ and smote the same Hughe oppon the hevede , that the brayn burst out and felle on the Ground ’ .
24 As all subjects had the same cost function and the same mean for the price distribution , the comparative static propositions tested in this experiment concern the standard deviation of the price distribution , σ , and the ( per unit ) storage cost , k .
25 She had the same colour hair , all yellow and curly , and she walked in just the same way , sort of little bouncing steps .
26 Oh , he had the same colour hair as the man we met in prison but he was much more emaciated . ’
27 I found the red Transit easily enough , it was the only one in the street and it had the same number plate as yesterday .
28 There was some confusion about the seat numbering : two women with armfuls of overcoats and a crying baby had the same seat ticket that I had .
29 Characterization of these cDNAs demonstrated that both encoded the same protein sequence but the shorter RACE product was the result of oligo-dT primer annealing to a short A rich sequence within the 3' untranslated region that does not have an identifiable polyadenylation signal associated with it ( data not shown ) .
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