Example sentences of "[vb past] the [adj] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Rostov met the accusing eyes squarely , then he shrugged .
2 ( I met the great sculptor once , you know , when I was hiding from the Doge of Venice 's assassins .
3 Alexei met the piercing glance squarely .
4 ‘ You must not deliberately offend so as to invite such punishment , ’ whispered the puissant amputee hoarsely .
5 It is fair to say that this race lacked the energetic input normally associated with Mansell , banned from yesterday 's Grand Prix after breaking the regulations at Estoril last Sunday .
6 The murders by the drug cartels of two federal judges , Héctor Jiménez Rodriguez and Mariela Espinoza Arango , in Medellín on Oct. 17 and Nov. 1 , 1989 , respectively , and that of court summoner Guillermo Mena Lozano on Nov. 1 in Cali provoked a 13-day strike beginning on Nov. 2 of judges and court workers which paralysed the judicial system nationwide ( 350 judicial employees and 50 judges were estimated to have been killed in drug-related violence since 1980 ) .
7 She endured the renewed pain stoically until the water ran clear , then turned off the taps and clambered from the bath , feeling very shaky , but wonderfully , blissfully clean .
8 The collapse of the MacDonald government in August 1931 weakened and divided the Labour Party as effectively as the General Strike had demoralized the trade unions .
9 With an exclamation of disgust , she pushed herself to her knees and flung the offending branch as far as she could in temper at her own stupidity .
10 Nance Rashleigh ripped out entrails and flung the gutted fish accurately into a barrel four feet away .
11 Adam 's arm went back , and he flung the crumpled wrapper violently into the sea .
12 The four set off along Brunel Road , following the tunnel wall until they passed the Labour Exchange then they veered left and picked up the road which ran alongside the river .
13 The court also heard that a woman and her three-year-old daughter passed the policeman' car only seconds before it exploded .
14 By the time I passed the old creche again it was getting darker and the insects were out .
15 He consulted the small book again .
16 Then he just brushed the very tips of his fingers against hers and plunged the offending hand deep in his pocket as if his fist were on fire and the pocket was a bucket full of sand .
17 There is evidence that this tactic had some effect in marginal seats and , indeed , made the overall result far better for Labour than it would have been had people not voted tactically .
18 A further 20 domestic rabbits were running around in the bowling green area when staff made the horrific discovery late this morning .
19 The only road was a quarter of a mile away up a track , leading down to the campsite itself , so that made the immediate area pretty safe .
20 Then at 06.00 on 6 November , men of the 1st and 2nd divisions , covered by a heavy barrage from the guns , made the final spurt forward .
21 Citizens young and old laid bird traps , and 700,000 sparrows made the supreme sacrifice so that the down from their necks might pad a birthday quilt .
22 He is also the man who made the male pony-tail so heterosexually de rigueur that it has become a badge of masculinity on the toughest football terraces .
23 I had often marvelled at it , but it made the present disaster all the more unbearable .
24 It made the annual holiday more easily available to millions .
25 What made the annual gathering even worse was we always had to listen to her recite the twenty-third psalm , standing up there on the stage in her white dress , white socks , black shoes .
26 ‘ They made the usual checks then , because I was allowed to go back at any time if there was a problem , they let me go home .
27 So Katie made the following comment shortly after she had picked up a card showing Mitch from Baywatch :
28 She made the pre-canoe instructions absolutely hilarious , not to mention informative .
29 Scientific discovery and the disillusionment of the twentieth century made the future look less interesting than the nature of time itself .
30 Miss Murdock , who appears to have had a sense of humour , expressed her high regard for the autochrome process , the delights of which she said , were mainly due to the high number of failures that made the occasional successes all the more thrilling .
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