Example sentences of "[vb past] the [adj] thing [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Trainee chef Tom Wilkinson , 20 , said : ‘ The action sequences were entertaining and I rated the whole thing as pretty good . ’
2 Some people thought plastic plates were tacky , but if you used the real thing once you got over a certain number you just had endless mess afterwards .
3 Er , I used not to do that , I used to put everything in one list , and then my home telephone was cut off one time , er , because I just never regarded the personal things as being terribly important until , you know , I do n't have to pay well over a hundred quid to get the thing fixed again .
4 ‘ Oh , well , as to that — it seemed the sensible thing if Rohan wanted to be master of La Tour Monchauzet .
5 I did look at the plans , and a book on sled dog training , and promptly forgot the whole thing until reminded two or three weeks before the promised delivery date .
6 We heard the same thing when the Labour Government introduced the Equal Pay Act 1970 .
7 I felt , by doing that , I had effectively stepped back in time and discovered the one thing that should have been thought of before we even harnessed electricity .
8 I suddenly hit the grey thing and it fell back against the tree .
9 And erm , they recorded different things , but Mat but also they recorded the same things as well
10 ‘ She felt the only thing that made the company work was good design and hard work , nothing else .
11 He thought your freelance Mrs Howard represented the same thing that he thinks he represents himself : the defence of this country .
12 So Gabriel sang the first thing that came into his head — loudly :
13 We discussed the whole thing and i said there was absolutely no point at all .
14 Aunt Lilian and Aunt Kit walked into the nearest shop whenever their clothes became too shabby and bought the first thing that fitted them ; if they debated , it would only be about a garment 's staying power .
15 At roughly the same time Adobe Systems introduced the PostScript page description language which did the one thing that had been though impossible or , at least , impractical ; real time font generation .
16 Although they are cross with themselves for being so soft , in the end they discover that they did the right thing because it is Gollum who shows them the way to Mount Doom , and Gollum who finally disposes of the Ring .
17 Theodora did the correct thing and remarked on Bedford 's good looks .
18 As a small boy , he did the usual things that boys do .
19 Good old Dad , however , did the decent thing and the binoculars were mine .
20 So I just went I knew I did the only thing that I knew I could do .
21 Feeling unusually low and depressed from a bout of hay fever , Johnson did the natural thing and reached for a couple of Reactivins .
22 What with those tutors , hers is English English , her friends ’ English ; she did the same things and made the same jokes and had the qualities they admired — the post-Edwardians , the young new Georgians of her set , her sets — dash , courage , brilliance , intellectual freedom .
23 I did the same things when we did
24 The idea that dinosaurs simply radiated into the ecological niches that had already been vacated , and that mammals I 30 million or so years later did the same thing after the dinosaurs had departed , has profound philosophical implications .
25 It was the first big opera he 'd conducted and he just did n't know how to do that , how to pace himself Incidentally he did the same thing when we recorded Peter Grimes and Reggie had to come in and help finish the recording .
26 Eventually , I did the sensible thing and consulted everyone who had planted trees recently in the neighbourhood .
27 ’ One of them once said the only thing that came close to giving her the same thrill she got from shoplifting was having sex in a public place — you know it 's wrong and you might be caught , but it feels great , ’ adds Liz .
28 She had Oz by the shoulder and Jinny , tumbling nearly into her arms , said the first thing that came into her head .
29 I could hardly believe it , and said the first thing that came into my head .
30 Tweed said the first thing that came into his head .
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