Example sentences of "[vb past] the [adj] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Coming back from the pillar box at the end of Charteris Road , Nurse Rose met the Private Wing sister .
2 Drawn to socialism by her sister , Eva , she met the Irish labour leaders , James Connolly and James Larkin [ qq.v. ] , and helped the 1913 lockout strike of Dublin workers by running a soup kitchen in Liberty Hall .
3 To cut a long story short — and I 'd be glad to give the details to anyone who wants — it was in Moers that our force met the Communist Party leadership of the Ruhr .
4 The authors show that unqualified mature students in their study had some educational or professional qualification and just over half ( 51% ) met the General Entrance Requirement of their particular university .
5 Most of the students investigated in this study were non-traditional in that they either possessed qualifications which met the general entrance requirements of the institution but had been gained them in non-traditional ways ( i.e. by other than full time attendance at secondary school ) , or they did not meet the requirement but had other qualifications or evidence of attainment acceptable to the institution in question .
6 He never met the young air force crew , never even saw them , yet he has never forgotten them either .
7 Talbot Square now became a focal point on the tramway system , where the new town routes met the busy Promenade track , newly relaid and extended to the Gynn .
8 In 1900 she met the American collector Samuel Bancroft , who became her foremost patron .
9 Oddly enough I met the same warrant officer some years later when he was SWO on a station near Warboys and we had many a chuckle about that .
10 ‘ Direct mail ’ ( often known as ‘ junk mail ’ ) , on the other hand , even though it came through the letter-box dressed up as a personal letter and not as a newspaper , arguably met the mass medium definition of reaching large numbers of people quickly and simultaneously .
11 Britain angered Iran when Mr Rushdie met the Foreign Office minister , Douglas Hogg , on 4 February , his first public meeting with a British Government minister in four years .
12 It was pointed out that he met the Foreign Office Minister , Douglas Hogg , earlier this month .
13 At last some passed me with books ; I stopped them , and found the books to be Bibles : it was all clear now , they were going to a week-day preaching , and shortly after , as the road wound down a glen over a burn , I met the Free Church minister on his way to the place of meeting .
14 In 1764 Angelica Kauffman met the German art lover Joachim Winkelmann , She painted his portrait , showing him casually dressed , holding a quill , seated over an open writing book .
15 On Sept. 17 the same leaders met the Public Security Minister , Ismaila Nimaga , after which they agreed to suspend a rally planned for the following day .
16 Santa Anna lost so much time and so many men in a pyrrhic victory , for which he need never have fought in the first place , that when he finally met the full Texan force under General Sam Houston he was utterly defeated .
17 WDA executive director of business services , Meirion Thomas , together with representatives from the local authorities , met the CSI board members at the factory .
18 In early 1970 , he met the Italian director Franco Zeffirelli to talk about his playing Francis of Assisi in Brother Sun and Sister Moon .
19 But — and it 's this sort of complication that makes him I think such a remarkable man — although that did happen then , for the next ten , twelve years , he was entirely preoccupied , almost entirely preoccupied with something else , and this something else erm originates from the other revolution that he underwent at this time , a revolution that occurred after a visit to an international mathematical congress in Paris , where he met the Italian mathematician Peano .
20 On a visit to Beijing on Jan. 18-23 , Deputy Premier Jan Janowski met the Chinese Premier Li Peng .
21 Being tight-fisted individuals we by-passed the fee-paying nature trail through the woods and crossed the beck to join a Green Lane that led pleasantly back to Clapham and the end of a fine day 's trek through Yorkshire 's classic karst and pavement country .
22 To retain its hegemonic dominance it criminalised the inner city uprisings of disenchanted youth , marginalised the youth of the black communities and removed trade-union struggles from the field of civil law to the arena of public disorder .
23 Of the rest the LoProfile had most to offer but lacked the extra function keys of the Fuller .
24 While the then UK Environment Secretary Chris Patten claimed that importing toxic waste prevented it being dumped in less industrialized countries which lacked the appropriate waste disposal technology , Greenpeace said that 80 per cent of the waste came from highly developed countries such as Switzerland , Belgium and the Netherlands .
25 The sense of political focus that empowered the early Screen project has been dissipated .
26 He unlocked the small side door and stepped into the darkness .
27 An important measure to encourage this trend was taken in October , when Iran 's central bank ( Bank Markazi Jomhouri Islam Iran ) doubled the foreign exchange quota available to all private-sector enterprises dealing with the public sector and set a new special exchange rate of $1.00=1,000 rials ( a fall from $1.00=1,250 rials ) .
28 The Maoist Sendero Luminoso guerrilla group sabotaged the national electricity grid on April 6 .
29 Teacher placement in industry have formed the backbone of the UBI activities since the project was set up in 1977 , but formal schemes date back to the early 1960s , with LEAs such as Leicestershire acting as pioneers in the field when the Confederation of British Industry ( CBI ) first piloted the three week Introduction to Industry Scheme for teachers .
30 On Ali Tusi 's departure for Persia , Mehmed II built another medrese beside the Uc Serefeli medrese and divided the 100 akce salary Ali Tusi had received equally between the muderrises of the old and new medreses .
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