Example sentences of "[vb past] the [adj] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Jeremy Vole met the two hedgehogs as they joined the crowd .
2 She paused , feeling a shiver work its way down her spine as she met the black eyes that were regarding her so closely now .
3 Patients were classified into three groups : ( a ) ‘ probable ’ Alzheimer 's disease if they met the clinical criteria and had a Hachinski score less than 5 ; ( b ) ‘ broad ’ Alzheimer 's disease defined after reclassification of all presenile patients by discriminant analysis ( this group included all probable Alzheimer 's disease ) ; and ( c ) multi-infarct dementia — a definite history of at least one cerebrovascular accident and a Hachinski score greater than 6 .
4 In fairness to Keith , he realised very quickly that he lacked the requisite qualities and threw in the towel .
5 But 70-year-old Mr Lowes , who unearthed the historic treasures while searching for lost tools on Home Farm , at Hoxne , Suffolk last November , is totally relaxed about the whole thing .
6 As time passed the Roman officials and the new immigrants married Britons and had families so that the differences between the conquerors and the conquered began to disappear .
7 The girls of the same families included in the formation by these direct relationships shared the same interests but were , in majority , beyond the immediate formative system .
8 We three shared the same interests and opinions , and spent the days and evenings very happily together .
9 Freames and Pitts Mills were in close proximity to one another and this , coupled with the fact that at various times they shared the same tenants and were put to similar uses , has caused a certain amount of confusion .
10 He found there was no real difference between Santiago marginals and those in higher strata in a cultural way , that is , they shared the same values and aspirations , but the squatters were unable to realise these because of structural features .
11 Rufus did not even know if animal bones shared the same names as those of humans .
12 She straightened the long limbs and pressed the strands of black cotton she had used for hair more firmly into the scalp .
13 It solidified the tentative ideas that had been evolving in Whitehall since the drafting of the 1952 Global Strategy paper ; and it was , in many respects , ahead of thinking in Washington , where traditional military orthodoxy still held sway .
14 The mail was uniformly trivial , but he read it all and then stuffed the torn envelopes and their contents into his pockets for disposal elsewhere .
15 But only the very superior pugilists made the ultimate escapes and so it was in every boxing slave 's interest to wring out his best efforts on every occasion .
16 Before lunch Jones made the necessary arrangements and they both glanced at the Sunday newspapers , apparently for the first time .
17 This is the pencil that his kindergarten teacher possessed ; the pencil that made the blue ticks and the red crosses in the register ; the pencil that he wept for , that his mother went all over town to find , and failed to find , because they were all gone , or not made any more , or kept for teachers , or only imagined ; the pencil which he knew would make him happy , if only he possessed it , for evermore .
18 What with those tutors , hers is English English , her friends ’ English ; she did the same things and made the same jokes and had the qualities they admired — the post-Edwardians , the young new Georgians of her set , her sets — dash , courage , brilliance , intellectual freedom .
19 Backbenchers mostly made the same points that they had made over a year earlier .
20 Perhaps only the Transylvanian Valentin Bakfark ( Greff ) ( 1507–76 ) , lutenist at the Polish court , who not only made the customary transcriptions but composed ten extended fantasias packed with imitative polyphony , can be ranked with Francisco de Milano , Gintzler , and the Spaniards .
21 On July 1 that year Maxwell Joseph 's Grand Metropolitan Hotels chain , which also owned the Berni Inns and Chef and Brewer setups , made a surprise offer of £34 million for Truman 's .
22 The May Day parade of 1990 , meant to be a celebration of Soviet unity and triumph , revealed the deep frustrations and divisions in Soviet society .
23 VINNIE JONES put down his pint and revealed the unique preparations that guided Wimbledon to another incredible triumph against the odds — a week of partying , brawling and booze .
24 Some backward tribes inhabited the remoter mountains and jungles but the main population was of the same race ; today they are known as Vietnamese but then the outside world knew them as Annamites or Annamese .
25 Just to show how the White House was sympathetic to the problems of the Fed and its crusade against inflation , White House chief economist Michael Boskin rebuked the 100 economists and their call for new tax credits and public works spending .
26 Next he read the two Scrolls and then presented the Environmental insignia to Mr Titcombe and the Export insignia to Dr Evans .
27 The banks of computers were busy , and together Viktor and Gusev read the long print-outs and the cross-references and the counterchecks on the information .
28 If one read the linguistic signs as pointing to something vaguely beyond the poem , to ‘ Something evermore about to be ’ ( Prelude 1805 , vi , 542 ) , then the poetry could be used to support innumerable creeds .
29 But these offences largely concerned the local activities and oppressions of the landowners ; only Throckmorton 's misdeeds involved the Council and that very indirectly .
30 There was only one drawback and that concerned the weaker kittens that sometimes found themselves at the bottom of a pile of bodies and unable to breathe .
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