Example sentences of "[vb past] begin [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Universe actually did begin with a Big Bang .
2 This process had begun under the 1980 Local Government Planning and Land Act , when councils were required to put out to tender certain housing maintenance and highways work .
3 A dépot des archives was set up in 1688 ; while the Marquis de Torcy ( Louis 's last Foreign Minister ) had begun about the same time the creation of a rudimentary Press bureau .
4 Although this had begun as a joint Anglo-French operation , Britain had withdrawn her forces , leaving the French either to carry on alone or to withdraw .
5 Led by a man named William Shorter , the gang had begun as a small group of poachers , their nickname derived from their dark clothing and blacked up faces for nocturnal raids in the forest .
6 Oxfam had begun as a tiny war-time committee organised by a small group of friends , including the then vicar of the parish of St Mary 's …
7 What had begun as an amusing jaunt for the militia showed every promise of ending in disaster .
8 The exploration of the American west revealed many such areas , and efforts to preserve them had begun at an early stage .
9 After a week of fighting , the war that had begun with a thunderous high-tech blitzkrieg in the skies over Baghdad had not yet delivered visible proof of victory .
10 And while she was having a whisky and eating a piece of cake at eleven o'clock , in a hapless impulse to demonstrate and somehow fix her freebooting mood — though she saw the irrationality of it on a day that had begun with a clear insight that at least she would try to equal his thinness even if she could never hope to achieve the frugality of his expectations — just as she was leaving the last part of the cake , she would think of a better way to write the note .
11 The Washington military parade had begun with a wreath-laying ceremony to commemorate 378 US war dead .
12 The Royal Institution had begun with an abortive attempt to train artisans in elementary science ; mechanics ' institutes provided lectures for what seems to have been chiefly a membership from the lower middle class .
13 Now in a short time he would be gone , and the era that had begun in the 1960S with the triumvirate of Harold Wilson , George Brown and myself would be at an end .
14 For some sections of the labour force , prosperous years which had begun in the 1780s continued at least for the first part of the war .
15 The key common element is that both systems took seriously the possibility that , whatever students were studying ( for specialization had begun in the nineteenth century ) , higher education offered a general enlargement of the mind .
16 As he looked out over the familiar landscape that spring day , the poetic miracles which had begun in the lime-tree bower were coming to an end .
17 The pro-birth control movement had begun in the late nineteenth century with the formation of the Malthusian League and the trial and work of Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh , events which encouraged the dissemination of knowledge about birth-control techniques .
18 Gehlen 's army career had begun in the late 1920s and as a staunch Nazi supporter he had enjoyed rapid promotion until he became military intelligence chief of Hitler 's Wehrmacht Foreign Armies East .
19 This dual process had begun in the late fifteenth century .
20 This had begun in the late thirteenth century , and the edicts were falling thick and fast under Philip the Fair in the early fourteenth century .
21 The downward trend in the proportionate use of imprisonment which had begun in the early 1950s halted in the mid-1970s , In fact the turning point can be located quite clearly in 1974 .
22 The process of scrutiny and amendment which had begun in the usual way in a Standing Committee upstairs , was interrupted when the Bill was returned unexpectedly to the floor of the House .
23 In the case of the Reynwells , mentioned earlier , the father had begun in the lesser guild of the girdlers , and transferred to the ironmongers , while the son was a member of the great company of the fishmongers .
24 The 66-year-old President , an agricultural economist by training , was generally regarded as a more approachable and pragmatic politician than his predecessor , and therefore better equipped to manage the process of political liberalization which had begun in the last months of Chiang 's presidency .
25 As we discussed in Chapter l , it was after the Second World War that the behavioural revolution which had begun in the inter-war period swept the Faculties of Social Science .
26 The one hundred and fifty minutes has its entertaining chunks but Little Big Man too self-consciously views the past from a modern standpoint ( there is even a gay Red Indian and bluesy music ) , and the demystification of legends , such as Custer , is done in too simplistic a manner , a process Penn had begun in The Left-Handed Gun .
27 In the long wake of a critical career that had begun in the 1930s avowedly in imitation of Richards and Empson and which ended with his death at the age of 83 , his final achievement of style was above all to create , for a time , a compelling image of himself .
28 The transportation of useful plants from one part of the world to another had begun in the eighteenth century , and we saw in the previous chapter how Kew Gardens became the hub of the British empire 's efforts to replace indigenous species with imported ones of greater commercial value .
29 Air travel grew rapidly : the first Pan Am passenger flight was on 18 January 1928 , although the first commercial passenger flights had been in German Zeppelins before the First World War , and French and British airlines had begun by the early 1920s .
30 Because when I read the leaflet on that crucial afternoon , it turned out that I could n't start swallowing the pills on any old day : the course had to begin at a particular point in my menstrual cycle .
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