Example sentences of "[vb past] much of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Other literary sources , including Paradise Lost , have been identified with detective zeal , but it was Culbone and Somerset which provided much of the rest .
2 The third John Booth provided much of the capital for his partners , Samuel and Aaron Walker , when they established the business that eventually made them the leading ironmasters in the North of England .
3 Sarah 's aunt who lived in America sent food parcels so Mrs Redmond also made the wedding cake and provided much of the food for the wedding breakfast .
4 Secondly , many of the late nineteenth-century American geologists , who provided much of the basis of systematic geomorphology , were engaged in surveying the semi-arid western parts of the United States .
5 Count Tolstoy provided much of the information for the pamphlet at issue , of which Mr Watts circulated 10,000 copies .
6 Count Tolstoy provided much of the information .
7 Count Tolstoy provided much of the information for the pamphlet .
8 The background information obtained was as valuable as the answers to the prepared Questionnaire and provided much of the information in the Report .
9 As we saw in Chapter 1 , it was believed in the early 1980s that much primary classroom practice in Leeds was outdated , uninspiring or downright bad ; that heads bore much of the responsibility for this state of affairs ; and , therefore , that the same heads could not be expected to put matters right .
10 Until the 1890s income tax was virtually unknown outside Great Britain ; indirect taxes still bore much of the burden in other states in 1900 , but by then Germany , Italy , Austria and Spain all had some form of income tax , and Russia and Great Britain had taxes on inherited wealth .
11 This time he sought to expunge every trace of Existentialism , but retained much of the material from the first draft , including the elements mentioned above .
12 The grip was warm and fierce , suggesting that he retained much of the strength of his youth .
13 Because insufficient allowances were allocated , the union argues , the local education authorities used much of the money that should have been paid in incentive allowances to classroom teachers to pay the senior staff their incentive entitlements .
14 Walpole later described him as ‘ an able geometrician and an exquisite architect , and of the purest taste both in the Grecian and Gothic styles … my oracle in taste , the standard to whom I submitted my trifles , the genius that presided over poor Strawberry ’ ; and from c .1753 onwards he designed much of the exterior , as well as a number of the interiors .
15 Managing director Duncan Bradbury said that although most caterers were prepared in food hygiene training and temperature control , they found much of the legislation confusing .
16 Royalists were often heavily fined or , like John Ashburnham , had their entire estates sequestered , but the concern of the gentry for its own solidarity modified much of the bitterness which might otherwise have damaged the county further .
17 As a baby brother to the all-singing and dancing Publisher 's Paintbrush , it maintained much of the functionality of the more expensive product , but at a vastly reduced cost .
18 They made a rendezvous with Anna Campbell , who was also staying in the south of France , and passed much of the holiday in a mad drunken haze .
19 We all made much of the coincidence , though not as much as the police , for whom it amounts to damning evidence of collusion , malice aforethought , cold-blooded premeditation and goodness knows what else .
20 And a friend in Scotland swears that he once heard a sermon preached on the wonders of creation in which the minister made much of the sanctity of the earthworm and even speculated on whether every earthworm is an individual .
21 They made much of the participation of so-called ‘ community leaders ’ in the raid , and of the ‘ accountability ’ that they demonstrated through the involvement of hand-picked representatives of the media .
22 The local television station made much of the rivalry between these two , but , in the event , Prost never got close enough to even suggest the onset of further controversy .
23 The planners made much of the growth of the built-up area of Tyne and Wear during the twentieth century .
24 As part of their case , the Church made much of the fact that there had been no objection to demolition from within the village .
25 The Italian press made much of the fact that the royal couple had almost no clothes , no staff and appeared to have no money .
26 In a lengthy report on his first ten years in office he made much of the fact that , whereas " Russian was scarcely to be heard " in the western provinces at the time of his appointment , it now had " an indisputable primacy " .
27 Commentators on the Eighties alternative comedy scene made much of the politicisation of British comedy .
28 He laid much of the blame on the growth of incomes outstripping that of consumer goods production , and attributed this primarily to mistakes in granting autonomy to state enterprises and in regulating the co-operative sector .
29 Tremendous publicity was given to the circumstances in which this movie had been made and to the way in which the director had shot some forty reels ; ‘ the eight-hour day for movie fans has not yet dawned ’ was the thankful comment of Robert Sherwood , but few critics doubted that the film conveyed much of the anger , ugliness , and brutality of the novel .
30 Lord Young , the deputy chairman of the Conservative Party , who piloted much of the bill through the Lords when he was Trade and Industry Secretary , said : ‘ This amendment is only a mischievous attempt to gain party political advantage . ’
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