Example sentences of "[vb past] look at [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Stevie , sensitive man that he was , had also picked up the atmosphere , Chris 's unusual silence and the way they avoided looking at each other .
2 I think Stan if he 'd looked at that situation again would probably have wanted to go at the first defender an and gone and gone up the left side .
3 Pamela had nearly had a heart attack when she 'd looked at this year 's brochure and seen how much it would cost .
4 some proverbs , I ca n't think can you complete these proverbs good book up there for that I do n't know at all , there 's something wrong Ooh this looks really good got look at this book , all the streets it 's got like The House of Commons and The House of Lords
5 The first opportunity I got to look at this stuff is on Sunday on the library
6 They continued to watch in stunned silence as Guy ran up the stairs and disappeared through the doorway , then turned to look at each other .
7 ‘ All the time I spent looking at that portrait , probably , ’ he mused , his lips curved in a smile of satisfaction .
8 They all started to look at each other rather furtively .
9 The door of his room was open , his desk was unlocked , and I decided to look at this memento .
10 He then went to look at some property left to the council by a benefactor , an old grain warehouse .
11 They had looked at each other , disconcerted at this apparent lack of liaison , but McLeish had been reassuring : very natural that they had n't compared notes , extremely useful that he now knew how long the car had been there .
12 It had been gentle , a sweet , surprised discovering , and they had looked at each other shyly afterwards , unable to speak .
13 The girls had looked at each other curiously and Antonia had trailed obediently after the older woman .
14 The boys around him had looked at each other .
15 Never in the entire two years she 'd known him had he inspired in her such a hopeless rage of jealousy as she 'd experienced when Guido had looked at that girl .
16 It was in fact the first time in his life that he had looked at any woman .
17 He straightened up , and they stood looking at each other .
18 We stood looking at each other for a long moment ; then he walked slowly up to me .
19 I put my small but suddenly very heavy suitcase down for a rest , and we stood looking at each other .
20 They stood looking at each other uncertainly , then Carrie made her way to the door and he heard her going upstairs , with considerably more skill than he would be able to muster .
21 In the few moments they stood looking at each other , both were acutely aware they were cut off from the rest of the world .
22 They stood looking at each other , and then he cleared his throat .
23 We sat looking at each other , he still holding my hand .
24 They sat looking at each other without speaking .
25 I sat looking at that light for almost two hours , by which time I was desperate .
26 D' you wanted to look at that wood in the shed .
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