Example sentences of "[vb past] only [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd only gone to that debate because my wife was a steward . ’
2 ‘ Well , they investigated , and apparently it was quite easy , because it was a very distinctive typeface , which they 'd only used on one machine .
3 He had a pious sense of his own importance and had always thought all these acts were directed at him , from which he had only escaped by good luck .
4 Although less ‘ angry ’ than in its earlier incarnation , this time it was a Sounds ' single Of The Week — not a bad achievement for a band whose rise had only begun in earnest a little under a year ago .
5 Although less ‘ angry ’ than in its earlier incarnation , this time it was a Sounds ' single Of The Week — not a bad achievement for a band whose rise had only begun in earnest a little under a year ago .
6 One of the ironies of the 1980s is that while the East Coast main line started to take delivery of its second-generation 125mph equipment , the maximum speed of West Coast trains had only moved from 100 to 110mph .
7 The application of all facilities under the KJHG to children of foreign nationality is explicitly legalized where previous legislation had only referred to German young people and children .
8 In 1801 students enrolled in schools of all kinds numbered no more than one in a thousand , and by Nicholas 's death this figure had only risen to six .
9 Besides my mother 's whispered asides with their garnish of guilt , I had only brushed with two cancer sufferers in my life .
10 For social Darwinists like Herbert Spencer , evolutionary theory demonstrated scientifically what earlier social scientists had only grasped in moral terms .
11 His win/loss playing record for the year up to 23/3/92 was 20/3 , bettered only by one player , Perez Roldan , who had only played in one tournament , in Casablanca .
12 Whereas the national monthly output of iron-ore had sunk from 45.87 million pudy in 1913 to 0.98 by September 1922 , and cast-iron from 21.43 to 0.94 , flax yarn had only sunk from 0.236 to 0.104 .
13 So far he had only spoken to minor figures of the tragedy which befell Alexander III at Kinghorn .
14 Cox said that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) , which had only looked at direct CFC warming effects , will now investigate the interactions .
15 She had always been the sensible , down-to-earth twin , yet here she was , going away with a man she had only known for two days .
16 Nurse Geeson said she had been a staff nurse on the children 's ward for ten years up to 1991 and had only come across four or five occasions when children suffered heart or respiratory attacks .
17 Left message with reception that I had only dealt with three calls — no more time to deal with any others .
18 Anglicans and Protestants now not only heard the first systematic teaching on the word of God in the Church ever formulated by a Catholic Council ( for Trent had only dealt with particular points at issue with the Reformers ) , but also admired it .
19 He pointed out that during previous planning permissions for Sunday working the plant had only worked on two Sundays in three years .
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