Example sentences of "[vb past] use [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Degussa has announced the development of a new hydrophobic molecular sieve , Wessalith DAY , from a Y zeolite dealuminated using a Degussa procedure .
2 Examples of works which fall into this category are : documents produced using a word processing system ; CAD ( computer aided designs ) such as plans for a house or a new car body panel ; music written using a program designed to assist with the composition of the music ( as opposed to a program designed to write music ) ; and an accounts report produced using a spreadsheet program .
3 Examples of works which fall into this category are : documents produced using a word processing system ; CAD ( computer aided designs ) such as plans for a house or a new car body panel ; music written using a program designed to assist with the composition of the music ( as opposed to a program designed to write music ) ; and an accounts report produced using a spreadsheet program .
4 You can use Edit — the editor supplied with DOS 5 — to search through data produced using the TREE command
5 Transcript abundance appeared to be similar in both life cycle stages ( RNA loading checked using the actin gene ( 31 ) as a control probe ( Fig. 4B ) ) .
6 The data were off loaded to a computer ( Amstrad PC1640 , IBM-compatible ) and processed using the Esophagram software ( Gastrosoft Ltd , USA ) .
7 Fig. 1 ( c ) Short wooden pegs are inserted 90–120 cm ( 3–4 ft ) apart around the pool and the tops levelled using a spirit level .
8 An Australian lifeguard who tried using the air spade on a recent contract for London Underground gave up in tears after two hours .
9 That was the reason we that was when we stopped using the turtle stuff .
10 I stopped using the stack reinforcement I used behind my amplifier because my amps are very small .
11 And in fact nineteen ninety three is really something of a pivotal year because according to at the beginning of ninety three probably something like forty percent of new applications built using the client server model .
12 The experiment I was doing all those months ago when I began writing this book , which I described in Chapter 2 , involved using the sugar fucose as a precursor for glycoprotein .
13 After scoring , the distal 8 cm of the colon were blotted dry and weighed using a Sartorius laboratory balance .
14 We tried to use the date palm trees to close the roads — we had only eight English.303 rifles in Um Al-Farajh .
15 I 'd got my 10 pences , but if I stopped to use a phone box I 'd lose him .
16 Different formulae for this assimilation were proposed and compared using a computer model of the old and new regulations .
17 The resulting image is then either transferred to an OHP foil by photocopying or photographed using a rostrum camera to make a 35mm slide .
18 After developing , sections were counterstained with haematoxylin and eosin and photographed using a Nikon Microphot FX microscope .
19 His mother insists that John spent much of the time at the house of his aunt Kay ( wife of Grace 's brother Errol , then a prisoner-of-war ) , or in the company of her children , who came to use the swimming pool attached to the flats where Herbert and John lived , so that John was never left to the care of black servants .
20 It has already been shown that the new solution obtained using a Geroch transformation will automatically satisfy the required boundary conditions if these are satisfied by the initial solution .
21 He drove a little way further on and turned using the grass verge after the last cottage .
22 They were shut away like lunatics and made to use the back lift .
23 Boat worker David Burnett , 18 , planned to use a diary map to navigate across some of the busiest shipping lanes in the world .
24 We planned to use the north-south route through Tamanrasset in Algeria as it had the greatest number of watering points .
25 Since it began using the gas phase process in 1979 , ICI has been at the forefront of process control and development and has succeeded in covering the whole product range with this new technology .
26 ‘ I do n't know why I started using a palette knife ; maybe because I wanted to mould the paint to show the other side of the mountain .
27 Elliott agreed to mount the operation and , as is often the custom with intelligence agencies when engaged in hazardous operations , decided to use a freelance agent so that , if anything went wrong , MI6 could distance itself from the affair and deny any knowledge of it .
28 The English , English and not American English or German English and er this part of a massive project been undertaken from the British Isles , in Suffolk it 's already been to Thomas More 's High School to report in lessons , here a , he decided to use the highway facility
29 To try out the 238 Syncaset I recorded a track using a drum machine on tracks 1–2 , rhythm guitar doubled onto tracks 3 and 4 ( then mixed and bounced onto track 8 , then bounced again through a compressor/noise gate back onto track 3 ) , bass guitar onto track 4 , harmony lead guitars onto tracks 5 and 6 ( again bounced onto track 8 and mixed back to track five with delay ) , lead vocal on track 6 , first vocal harmony detuned using the pitch control on track 7 and second harmony in normal pitch on track 8 .
30 The designers chose to use a production rule format for communication between knowledge sources ; a pre-determined stimulus would provoke a particular response .
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