Example sentences of "[vb past] not [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Is it not the case that when the Government privatised the electricity and gas companies they created not a range of companies which could induce real competition for the benefit of customers and the environment but large companies with near monopoly supply status which are not in the least interested in energy efficiency ?
2 I met not a soul on the walk , but the path was in very good condition , a feature we noticed many times in NZ , that the tracks are well looked-after even when apparently hardly used .
3 What did the word ‘ delicious ’ mean to someone who cared not a fig about cuisine ?
4 They sought not the abolition of hired labour , private enterprise and the commodity market but the abolition of the many semi-feudal bonds which survived the Edict of 1861 ; and they sought the transfer of noble land into their own hands .
5 What happened was that I did the work and received not a word from anybody about it .
6 Does he realise that the islanders have run the ferry for many years and that until this year they received not a penny of subsidy , unlike the Scottish ferries ?
7 And then she knew it was true as , under the hot Mediterranean sun , their love was sealed for eternity in that final last desperate burst of flame and fire that heralded not the end of a wonderful Majorcan day but the beginning of their life and love together .
8 The fact is that urban Britain faced not a period of standstill but of dramatic growth and reordering .
9 With a faint smile that showed not a hint of regret , he brushed his mouth against hers .
10 The final shattering of the delusion did not take place until the 1940s ; but when it did occur , it prompted not the abandonment of the system of the delusion itself but a further and almost incredible elaboration of it .
11 The leading vehicle , driven by Fire Chief Bob Wallace , reinforced by short lengths of steel girder welded across its front , lost not a yard of its gathering momentum as it smashed through the inner set of gates , flinging them wide to hang drunkenly from their torn hinges .
12 When Tormey cites the art of acting as an example of representational behaviour , he was really talking about the style of acting first attributed to the famous English eighteenth-century actor David Garrick , acting which demanded not the expression of emotion but an accomplished technique by which ‘ natural ’ expressions of real life became distilled on stage by artifice .
13 It contained not a trace of the spirit of openness , and its timeless tone will be familiar to all connoisseurs of Questions of Procedure for Ministers :
14 In the event , the ending of their two Dorset years came with dramatic suddenness , and brought not a narrowing of their lives , as they might have feared , but the beginning of a period marked by profound and creative friendship .
15 His report offered not a vestige of comfort .
16 The open fields hemmed in the town along its entire northern side , while on the southern side Burghley Park and the farmlands of the Cecils offered not an acre for expansion .
17 It was with this in mind that a unanimous Parliament supported not a conspiracy of Tory landowners , but Attlee 's postwar Labour Government in passing the 1947 Agriculture Act , which laid the foundations for the great agricultural revolution of our times .
18 In view of that , did not the Secretary of State pause to conclude that whatever NATO may require , there is no requirement for the United Kingdom to have its own tactical air-to-surface missile ?
19 He looked covertly at the members to his left and right : they gave not a flicker of recognition .
20 Recruited from the lower-middle or working class , the representative benefactor lived in a small house in a town or city , had no children or had children who were grown up , spoke not a word of German , knew nothing of Germany beyond the front-page news of the Express or Mirror , and did not begin to understand the trauma of being a young refugee .
21 I rather think that 's a , a repeat , I seem to re remember seeing it because er did n't a lot of them escape and they 've
22 I loved you for thirteen days of my life , and did n't the rest of my life count for anything ? ’
23 Did n't the squad on Vadinamia fill you in ? ’
24 Did n't the carving on the panel tell you ?
25 Again , the editors did n't the Son of Righteousness .
26 When he asked if he could see her again the next day , she would not have dreamed of declining ; they saw each other for about a fortnight , and her enthusiasm for him increased with each meeting , though he said not a word of any interest in the whole two weeks .
27 But this lad make a mistake and he come down to the my sisters house , and my sister and her husband took him in and he 'd fallen and cut his brow , and after he was kind of sobered up he turned down and he said Not a story about this now James .
28 that they had looked after him and that 's how she leaned down and said not a story about this now James .
29 This seemed unnecessary , for Miss Logan had not a word of Turk or Russo or Kurdish or whatever mixture it was the other two communicated in ; but she did as she was told .
30 It occurred to us that either the gap between the rich and the poor had become much wider than anyone had ever imagined and that these people had not a clue about our reality or else their campaigns were a deliberate conspiracy to cover up the real cause of our appalling health record .
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