Example sentences of "[vb past] he [adv] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As Armstrong was riding homewards along the river bank at the end of the session , a group of English horsemen set off in pursuit , captured him , and bore him off to imprisonment in Carlisle castle .
2 ‘ That 's true enough , ’ said Meredith and , unable to apologise directly for his outburst at rehearsal , invited him instead to dinner that evening at the Commercial Hotel .
3 At the New Contemporaries Exhibition in 1961 he and his wife bought Hockney 's Doll Boy for £40 and invited him round to tea — ‘ black hair , crew-cut , frightfully shy , I arrived late .
4 They helped him up to bed , and he slept until nine o'clock the next morning .
5 He heard a cry from a man at the bottom of the stairs who seemed to have had his face burned off , and he helped him out to safety .
6 Well I told him , I told him not to feed but they 're fucking
7 But some irresistible compulsion drove him on to hazard again the life he relished so much , and to put at risk my happiness as well .
8 She shooed him back to bed in front of her and he went meekly enough , entering with studied indifference , tapping his fingertips together as he went .
9 Inquiry ‘ The doctor looked at the bottle and rushed him straight to hospital . ’
10 Jay grinned ear to ear , commiserated and ordered him back to bed .
11 Mum went over to him and delivered a hard slap then ordered him off to bed .
12 On their way to the magistrates they were stopped by Richard Baxter 's doctor who immediately ordered him home to bed .
13 Well , I just told Ruth not to be a silly girl and got him off to Nurse .
14 I took this bandage off and put a cold compress on , making a proper patella dressing , got the ambulance and got him off to hospital , and put in a Report about this broken gas-lid .
15 His beautiful and adored mother quickly appeared from the sitting-room and hugged him nearly to death on the doorstep .
16 Instead , David pointed out landmarks they passed and eventually Julia led him on to talk about his childhood holidays at Fiesole .
17 She led him back to school kindly .
18 The years of his longest sentence , from 1979 to 1983 ( incurred for setting up , in admiring imitation of the Polish KOR , a Czech Committee to Defend the Unjustly Prosecuted ) were punctuated by other , sometimes painfully absurd episodes : for example the day the Interior Ministry 's men relented sufficiently to allow him to attend his father 's funeral , and then inadvertently let him be surrounded by a tight scrum of friends who brought him up to date with all the latest political news .
19 She brought him up to date with what had happened .
20 Walking through the woods at the back of Westfield Manor , Patrick brought him up to date on the burglar who had committed murder to get hold of a packet of letters , and the macabre business of the switched bodies .
21 That brought him back to life .
22 The sight of her in the old tatty jumpers she slept in always brought him back to reality .
23 A sharp knock at the door brought him back to earth .
24 But what else he could paint , other than trash for the tourists , brought him back to earth .
25 That usually brought him down to earth .
26 His leadership is respected by all the rugby nations of the world , but a happy bunch of youngsters from Witham School brought him down to earth as they piled in yesterday at Twickenham .
27 In a way , she brought him down to earth .
28 The fifth took him straight to hospital .
29 They 've had him from the Wednesday , was it the Wed er , no from the Saturday to the Wednesday cos she was working and they took him on to seaside somewhere and when come home , he 's having stitches in his head where he 'd fell , he hit it on the stone or summat and I said oh did he enjoy it apart from that , she said he was a swine last night , he was screaming and hitting me and she called her husband down from work , she could n't control him , said she should of smacked his arse and put him in the cot .
30 The person who was most patient with him was Alison , who let him read his poems to her and sometimes took him out to lunch .
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