Example sentences of "[vb past] to him [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It also occurred to him that this precaution eliminated the likelihood of ever finding a witness who had seen Sandy arriving in her Jaguar at the bell tower close to dawn .
2 Sometimes , when he thought about that day , as he did occasionally , it occurred to him that this was the first instance of railways being able to distract him from the pains of life .
3 Wealth came to him and much of it he invested in shipping .
4 Many of the leading actors of that day came to him and some of them , such as Sir Henry Irving , used to have his professional help between acts of their plays .
5 As he stood contemplating it , as if hesitating to violate its calm , there was a moment of extraordinary silence in which even the muted roar of the traffic in the avenue was stilled and in which it seemed to him that two images , the shining façade of the house and that dusty blood-boltered room in Paddington , were held suspended out of time , then fused so that the stones were blood splattered , the caryatids dripped red .
6 When in the eighth century the Saxon saint Guthlac penetrated the heart of the Fens to found Crowland Abbey , he was described by the monk Felix of Crowland as encountering demons in the wilderness , which ‘ came with such immoderate noises and immense horror , that it seemed to him that all between heaven and earth resounded with their dreadful cries ’ .
7 He did n't believe in the idea of people possessed by devils , because it seemed to him that that was only a way of trying to tidy up the world by pigeon-holing everything .
8 A British Rail quality manager and former Sunderland nut , he changed allegiance in 1980 when it seemed to him that some Roker players were becoming too mercenary .
9 It seemed to him and other settlers whose views he represented in the Leg .
10 He 'd then possibly forgotten these dreams or fantasies and then when the stimulus of feeling something on the back of his neck happened to him whilst asleep , suddenly the fantasy came back , all as a piece as it were , and it occurred to me that your dream about driving off viaducts might be caused by being asleep , having one of these falling experiences , then relating it to previous thoughts you 'd had , you know on the freeway or something , oh my God , how awful it would be if I , if I drove off that bend below , do you know what I mean ?
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