Example sentences of "[vb past] have [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In an experimental study of a case management service for homeless mentally ill people only two out of 94 people referred in a year reported having been admitted to hospital for a year or longer .
2 She used to repeat the expression on attend pas mieux , through tight lips , in relation to any misdemeanour reported to have been committed by a Jew .
3 The first woman reported to have been burned at stake for having sex with the devil was a citizen of Toulouse , who met her fate in 1275 after apparently giving birth to a child with the head of a wolf and a tail like a snake .
4 The first of these was the Greek tanker Filikon L , reported to have been attacked by an Iraqi aircraft .
5 In June Austrian police had seized weapons-grade uranium reported to have been smuggled from the former Soviet Union [ see p. 38987 ] .
6 The prints , which the Fingerprint Branch of Scotland Yard found to have been made with a left thumb pressed into the painting while still wet , have been minutely replicated in the damaged areas .
7 The sacred spring , however , continued to attract visitors as the latest votive object found to have been cast into it is a penannular brooch with enamelled terminals of late-fourth- or early-fifth-century date .
8 ‘ The pair pretended to have been robbed of precious stones , by strangers , at gunpoint . ’
9 Over 140 people listed had been detained in a wave of arrests in Nouakchott and Nouadhibou beginning in November 1990 .
10 The bill was reportedly designed to restore the government 's Islamic credentials which its critics maintained had been undermined by Pakistan 's participation in the Western-dominated multinational force opposing Iraq in the Gulf [ see pp. 37639 ; 37641 ; 37694 ] .
11 There was apparently an agreement between Pickard and Wasbrough allowing the latter to use the crank , and the engine-builder who was most incensed at the patenting of a device which he maintained had been known for centuries was James Watt [ q.v . ] .
12 Two of the three involved have been mentioned in the previous section : first was Mrs Cummings ' daughter-in-law , who had become more content with continued home care after one year .
13 On the same day , the Transport Department announced plans to widen the M25 around London , believed to have been opposed by Gummer in Cabinet .
14 An extremely important item , housed in the Österreichisches Museum für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna , is the pure silk Hunting carpet , believed to have been given to Emperor Leopold I by Peter the Great .
15 One of the first things to catch the visitor 's eye when starting down from the castle esplanade is a cannonball lodged in the wall of a house , believed to have been fired from the castle at Holyroodhouse in 1745 when anti-Jacobite forces on the Castle Rock were at odds with Prince Charles Edward at the lower end of the town .
16 So far no attention had been drawn to any conflict between this proposal , which 5 Corps believed to have been authorised by AFHQ 's order of 14 May [ and in harmony with the policy of wrongly surrendered formations being handed back to Tito ] , and the consistent policy of AFHQ in every other respect that such categories of dissident Yugoslavs should not be handed back to Tito .
17 At least two whales believed to have been affected by sonar have been washed up dead on the beach at Abu Dhabi .
18 Ten firemen are in a special isolation ward with ‘ glowing fingertips ’ , nausea and diarrhoea believed to have been caused by chemicals .
19 The man , suffering from a leg injury believed to have been caused by the fall , was taken to hospital for treatment .
20 The Southport woman is one of many people believed to have been tricked by the 38-year-old Glaswegian who masterminded a sting from a car showroom in Rufford , near Ormskirk .
21 Excavation has also uncovered the impressive rock-cut ditch of the Norman motte and bailey castle , believed to have been built in the 1080s .
22 The refusal to talk , believed to have been decided in a meeting of the Politburo , contributed to renewed speculation here that Mr Honecker may no longer be in full control .
23 They have also suffered disease believed to have been exacerbated by water pollution .
24 Crowley regarded the most important event of his life as being his ‘ reception ’ in April 1904 of The Book of the Law , a prose poem which he believed to have been dictated to him by ‘ a praeter-human intelligence ’ .
25 A ceramic footballer ( lot 107 , est. £8,000–12,000 ) , believed to have been coloured by Picasso 's own hand , fetched £24,000 ( $41,100 ) .
26 Police recovered a black Opel car , believed to have been used as a getaway car in the attack .
27 Besides the First Century cave , the archaeologists have discovered a group of other man-made caverns believed to have been used by the Second Century anti-Roman Jewish rebel , Bar-Kokhba .
28 The meeting , believed to have been suggested by the Soviet Union , is the first such encounter since 1971 .
29 Now Cleveland Police hope to trace the owners of the items , believed to have been stolen from houses in East Cleveland and North Yorkshire .
30 Firemen were called to extinguish the blaze , believed to have been started by a faulty electric blanket .
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