Example sentences of "[vb past] a long [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then fear overcame curiosity and he scrambled down from the tree with such haste that he skinned his knees and gouged a long deep gash along the inside of his forearm .
2 Rostov drew a long shuddering breath .
3 Swinging the horse 's head to face the massed coolies again , Duclos drew a long solid wood truncheon from a leather saddle scabbard and stood up in the stirrups .
4 They drew a long covert upwind between Queen Hoo Hall and Bramfield .
5 Annoyed with herself , she drew a long hissing breath as she gritted through tight lips , ‘ Really , I do n't know why I 'm revealing all this to a complete stranger — somebody I 've only just met — ’
6 He had a taxi waiting , and on arrival we found a long cloth-draped table in the centre of the room , around which were seated what seemed to be the entire Chinese population of the city — some 30 Chinese , mainly from laundries and restaurants .
7 On the fourth day he received a long chatty letter from Eleanor .
8 From then on , the walk was far less interesting : we passed the Bishops Wordsworth School Sports Field then came a long dull stretch to The Rose and Crown , that always looked decrepit until renovation in the ‘ thirties .
9 Then came a long anxious wait in the foyer oft he Great Southern Hotel .
10 Soon the traffic began to thin and the road became a long straight fenland route with occasional trees and sporadic bungalows slipping into the dykes .
11 He heard the French boy whispering urgently , then the chief grunted and plunged a long hollow bamboo rod into the ternum jar and drank a deep draught .
12 Vanessa produced a long black rod with a transparent sphere attached to the end .
13 Across in front of them cruised a long black Cadillac bearing the fluttering pennant of the Stars and Stripes .
14 I got a long bright beam from the shiny eyes .
15 In 1665 a contested by-election began a long parliamentary career , Lowther representing Cumberland thereafter in every Parliament until illness compelled his retirement in 1699 .
16 The harpsichord began a long lute-stop passage , a new movement , as gentle as rain , the sounds stealing through the house , mysterious , remote-sounding harmonies .
17 I followed a long harbour-wall pathway , then took a gate into a park .
18 ( Wilko signed a long long term contract a couple of years back . )
19 The Baronessa raised a long white finger , weighted at the base by a sapphire ring , and wagged it as though to a child .
20 After the floods caused by the thaw , Oxfordshire enjoyed a long dry spell of weather , with strong , drying winds .
21 This was the worst part as by now everyone was tired , hungry , needed a long hot bath and still had a long drive home ; however spirits were cheerful and by the 29th May we were ready to do it all again .
22 Only the last survived a long complicated life as a passion , and led to her single-handed revival of the eighteenth-century art of shell pictures , an obsessive pursuit of Irish aristocratic ladies in the time of Sheridan and Goldsmith .
23 Manescu waved a long slim-fingered hand behind him .
24 His win in last year 's National broke a long lean spell but he was quite casual about it all in the post race interviews .
25 It was in ‘ the epic vein' which for him meant a long rhyming poem about knights in armour .
26 I turned and saw a long blue column approaching with a corporal in charge .
27 The Cages formed a long connected line facing west .
28 Then , in the last four years of her life , working with a small devoted group of students and collaborators , she succeeded in obtaining spectacular X-ray patterns of the virus that allowed her to determine the precise helical geometry of the protein sub-units , and , above all , to show that the ribonucleic acid ( RNA ) of the virus — the carrier of the genetic information , and hence the infectivity — formed a long single chain embedded deeply within the protein framework .
29 Fei Yen had dressed quite simply , in a peach ch'i p'ao , over which she wore a long embroidered cloak of white silk , decorated with stylised bamboo leaves of blue and green and edged in a soft pink brocade that matched the tiny pink ribbons in her hair and set the whole thing off quite perfectly .
30 She wore a long full-skirted dress of white organdie and a headdress of artificial lilies of the valley , and carried white roses and carnations .
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