Example sentences of "[vb past] and the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Pest-Buda , the cannons thundered and the whole city celebrated . ’
2 Well I suppose a very junior clerk , the first job I was given was , well it 's unheard of in this day and age but what they had was what they call a bundi clock and there every driver and conductor had got a key that was inserted in this clock and on it was his personal number , well when he reported for duty , he inserted this key into the clock , turned the handle and stamped on to a piece of paper , a roll of paper , his number and the time he reported and the next day it was my job to go through and record from this piece of paper how many minutes they were late f reporting for duty and if they erm were more than , I think about three or four minutes we had to send them a memo telling them , that 's how things were in those days that people were , they toed the line or else .
3 The District was one of the ten mentioned and the national statistics almost exactly reflected its own position .
4 However , although significant , these changes in cell proliferation were very modest ( <20% increase ) and the most marked changes in cellular kinetics were seen in the proximal colon where most of the fermentation occurred and the highest SCFA concentrations were seen .
5 Don Quarrie coached Stewart , and in one of the buses that returned the athletes to the Village at the end of the day 's events , as the escorting police motor cyclists ' sirens whined and the blue lights flashed and Italian families paused in their evening perambulations to catch a glimpse of these new gladiators , he said simply
6 Her arm throbbed and burned and the bruised cheek ached intolerably .
7 P S told the jury not three quarters of an hour ago that the automatic door opener did n't work , it was taken off re-fitted and the automatic door opener was used to open the door .
8 They were still doing jobs at that were long since dispensed with at you know , marshalling and that and methods that adopted and the shunting techniques .
9 Perhaps the old woman would die too before really warm weather came and the old man began to smell when they could save by burying both with one funeral .
10 But there was still you know a substantial It was more or less the same case as we had before in terms of the traffic relief that each afforded and the economic rates of return .
11 The marked deterioration in the position of the Russian peasant under Catherine 's rule has allowed historians to point the contrast between the enlightened ideals which she proclaimed and the oppressive despotism which she allegedly practised .
12 He 'd been right about the entire day : the fountains in Rome , the quiet beauty of the little villages they passed and the gentle sweep of the campagna .
13 As the centuries passed and the second coming receded into the remote future , it came more and more to be assumed that the final verdict could be pre-empted .
14 The tree-branches creaked and the dry leaves rattled , for Baba Yaga was flying back over the trees in her pestle and mortar .
15 Most of them were on the lean side because of the hard life they led and the long walks they took over hilly country to reach their fields .
16 Therefore a lesser sum will be lent and the difference between the sum lent and the full amount will equate to the ‘ interest ’ being charged .
17 Yet the move failed and the Conservative Party dropped the policy for the rest of the 1920s .
18 But in both cases the pre-raid recces were not much help on the night , for Milner-Gibson 's compass failed and the German dispositions on Guernsey were changed by the time of the raid .
19 Although the Fontainebleau conference failed and the Vietnamese delegation went home , Ho stayed on to conclude , on 14 September 1946 , what Sainteny has called ‘ that pathetic modus vivendi ’ which gave France economic concessions and the promise of maintaining cultural connections in return for her co-operation in securing an armistice in the South .
20 He had the open face of an andrew and the reassuring strength she had sensed in Juliet .
21 Everything gleamed and the few people visible wore white coats ; apart from the exposed brickwork of a couple of rotund furnaces , linked to the ceiling by shining metal ductwork , the place looked more like a laboratory than a factory .
22 Then suddenly he lunged and the pleasant sensation was gone , replaced not by pain but by a strange , full feeling and Sally began to feel frightened again .
23 The questions asked and the main results of the study are summarised below :
24 Emily asked and the old man shook his head .
25 Opening the door a crack she saw John lying in bed , unshaven and tousled , his pillows tumbled and the blue rayon eiderdown slipping on to the floor .
26 His eyes crinkled and the familiar chuckle escaped .
27 The camera retreated and the dark head began bobbing back and forth swallowing and regurgitating and a hand cupped the blond balls .
28 Forthright debate flourished and the 85 seminar members were treated to a variety of views from the speakers and from their fellow members .
29 The fat lady shrieked and the two Caribbeans twitched their long , loose limbs , delighted with themselves .
30 Despite passing a 7am inspection , conditions deteriorated and the Irish track was later declared unraceable .
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