Example sentences of "[vb past] be [v-ing] [pron] about " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He asked me if I 'd been teaching them about poisonous plants , ’ said Corbett Farraday .
2 Jesus had been , with his disciples and he had spent the whole day in teaching and preaching to the people , he 'd been explaining to them what the kingdom of God was like , he 'd been telling them some of the parables that perhaps we 're familiar with , he 'd been telling them about the parable of the sewer and the seed , the man who went out and he sewed his seed and different things went wrong birds came and picked up the stuff that fell by the wayside , some fell on stony ground and it could n't put down any roots , some fell amongst thorns and they were quickly choked , but some did fall in good prepared soil and that grew .
3 I suppose it came into my room for a few minutes to see a book I 'd been telling him about , then he left and I hit the sack .
4 Maybe it was she who 'd been deluding herself about the state of his and Sandra 's relationship , and not the other way around .
5 The officers had been telling her about this particular woman who was very lonely .
6 Only ten minutes before , the current owner of the Rose Bowl , the rather oppressively genteel Miss Philimore , had been telling her about the wealthy local businessman who was one of the Rose Bowl 's best customers …
7 A member of the group mentioned that an uncle of his , a retired coal miner , had been telling him about Highlander , and it was suggested that Highlander might be willing to help in some way .
8 He commented on how much nicer towards him the family seemed to be , including Michael , who had been telling him about his own problems at work .
9 The country was beckoning again , and his friend van Rappard had been telling him about Drenthe , a remote moorland region in the north of Holland which was starting to attract artists .
10 Its withers will never win any of the races Ronnie had been telling himself about , and he is reluctant to return from this long , defeated , dark-thoughted walk to break the bad news or his adventure to his wife and daughters .
11 You see , I had been doing something about my own future , too .
12 She had been asking him about the little wooden cities which adorned the shelves in her room .
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