Example sentences of "[vb past] be [verb] to [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Ven queried , as well he might , she realised , for she 'd been chatting to him like a veritable magpie all evening with not so much as a hint of shyness .
2 She 'd been listening to him with dawning realisation , an icy sensation freezing her body inch by inch .
3 But after that Pete had sworn that he 'd touch nothing stronger than tapwater for the rest of the evening , and so far he 'd been sticking to it .
4 I began to forget why I 'd been attracted to him in the first place . ’
5 I did a double-take before I realized he 'd been talking to me .
6 I mean , if you 'd been talking to him during the lesson he 'd say , well , if you want to talk about it , leave it till after the lesson .
7 After I 'd been talking to him about leaving .
8 And she 'd been talking to him for about half an hour and well er her son had come up
9 ‘ She was complaining at not being able to get through because my number was engaged and I said I 'd been talking to you .
10 They 'd been known to us for years as a couple of minor police informers , dabblers in espionage who never come up with anything much . ’
11 I mean I , it 's no good me husbands to look af , I I this is my second husband but er with my first husband er I I sort of erm if it 's been left to him , God bless him , he 's dead now but if it 'd been left to him I 'd have had a houseful of children you know .
12 Now you suspected she 'd been lying to you for thirteen years .
13 A little overwhelmed by the extent of his authority , she understood why she 'd been drawn to him .
14 Jesus had been , with his disciples and he had spent the whole day in teaching and preaching to the people , he 'd been explaining to them what the kingdom of God was like , he 'd been telling them some of the parables that perhaps we 're familiar with , he 'd been telling them about the parable of the sewer and the seed , the man who went out and he sewed his seed and different things went wrong birds came and picked up the stuff that fell by the wayside , some fell on stony ground and it could n't put down any roots , some fell amongst thorns and they were quickly choked , but some did fall in good prepared soil and that grew .
15 Such meals as she ate were brought to her on trays by Janet , meals that Alexandra and Dora would plan with minutest care in the kitchen .
16 Buying a commission for one of its members , it must be remembered , could impoverish a poor noble family for decades ; and if the holder died in the performance of his duties the sum paid was lost to it .
17 They are first , whether Winchester was a member of Lautro and second , whether Winchester , either as a member or as a non-member , had any right of appeal against the decision of 30 October 1990 which had been denied to them .
18 For those first two years I was able to enjoy behaving childishly — a pleasure which I felt had been denied to me — and being relatively free from responsibility .
19 Enraptured by the celluloid screen , we revelled in the romance that had been denied to us , or had been put in cold storage ‘ for the duration , .
20 Apparently innocent of the opportunity which had been presented to them , they met in the Ravenhill Church and talked about what they should do and even hesitated about talking to the journalists waiting outside .
21 The secret decision to continue production was teken by the President after several options had been presented to him by the Pentagon and the State Department .
22 He referred to the Bible that had been presented to him by the people of Memel St on July 10 at the opening of their march .
23 It had been presented to him by the City of Paris and on it were traced the lines of the new streets and boulevards which Napoleon III had worked out in conjunction with Baron Haussmann .
24 She had been presented to him , rather in the way she had been presented to her mother , ten years ago , by a Jamaican midwife , in Queen Mary 's Hospital , Roehampton .
25 … crime and folly and error can be as severely lashed , as virtue and morality can be upheld , by a series of amusing causes and effects , that entice the reader to take a medicine , which , although rendered agreeable to the palate , still produces the same internal benefit as if it had been presented to him in its crude state , in which it would either be refused or nauseated .
26 In the interval , she had been presented to him .
27 In human terms the reasoning which had been presented to him was filled with flaws and false assumptions .
28 " See you , " said Alice , and turned away from the girl and went in , feeling that the 556 — at least — young couples with their spotty , frustrated infants had been presented to her by Fate , as her responsibility .
29 Maureen was torn between her longing to hug Terry and gaze her fill on the young brother who had been lost to them for so long and pity for Frank who had no family to welcome him home .
30 Her heart had been lost to him the first moment she had set eyes on him .
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