Example sentences of "[vb past] she [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Paul Stern , the vice-president of the Vienna Bridge Club , soon invited her to join the Austrian Ladies ' Team , which was preparing for the first European Women 's Teams Championship to be held in Brussels in 1935 .
2 He pushed one of the doors open and invited her to enter the pretty pink and white room .
3 And I told her to keep the twenty for that stuff in there .
4 His hair was still quite closely cropped , and his beard now followed the lines of his jaw and allowed her to see the hard fierce lines of his face .
5 Then , in the last four years of her life , working with a small devoted group of students and collaborators , she succeeded in obtaining spectacular X-ray patterns of the virus that allowed her to determine the precise helical geometry of the protein sub-units , and , above all , to show that the ribonucleic acid ( RNA ) of the virus — the carrier of the genetic information , and hence the infectivity — formed a long single chain embedded deeply within the protein framework .
6 People very kindly took her under their wing , explained the rules , explained the dangers of unexpected holes , and then encouraged her to spend the next few hours crawling into and under wet gorse bushes .
7 As I hastened to go upstairs , I happened to encounter Miss Kenton in the back corridor — the scene , of course , of our last disagreement — and it was perhaps this unhappy coincidence that encouraged her to maintain the childish behaviour she had adopted on that previous occasion .
8 He beckoned her to do the same .
9 Sandra began collecting several years ago after a large repair bill for a timepiece prompted her to learn the intricate ins and outs of their workings .
10 Sticking her head out of the door , she summoned a nurse and got her to take the young man 's parents back to the interview-room and give them a cup of tea .
11 As he took her on a guided tour of the eight-bedroomed mansion , the Prince asked her to organize the interior decoration .
12 She gave a similar answer when he asked her to open the automatic cash dispenser .
13 We asked her to describe the other members of her group , and she told us that it was composed largely of female relatives , their mates and children .
14 Her strong commitment to women 's rights led her to write the first Salvadorean publication on the oppression of women , The Condition of Women in El Salvador , published in Mexico in 1961 .
15 We took her to see the Three Howes , prehistoric mounds on the summit of the moors .
16 As soon as the handshake was complete , Charlotte turned away , eager to look elsewhere for the instant it took her to absorb the simple fact of his marriage .
17 The girl , consulting her Winnie the Pooh diary , said Mahfouz then sent her to learn the Mental Health Act .
18 After his death , members of the wine trade enabled her to become the first person outside the trade to study for and sit its examinations .
19 At home she was a queen , I never liked her to do the heavy jobs .
20 Vanessa Thompson , who lives in Brussels , decided to make the study when her husband 's job forced her to leave the pretty village where she lived for eight years .
21 Inert , mute , untouchable , she seemed uncanny and prodigious to Rosa , who wanted her to protest the hectic fury all around her , to come alive and give a sign , as , below her , the volunteers hauling the lumbering shrine on their backs on poles criss-crossed and tethered grew more obstreperous and howled and the crowd pressed up and obstructed their laborious way ahead ; after three turns around the piazza they at last reached the platform in the middle , only a little distance from the Duomo they had left , and the sweat-streaked bearers put down the skewed tower on which the Madonna stood , and tumbled to their knees .
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