Example sentences of "[vb past] she [verb] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Wendy Almon went to pick up two-year-old Eva , but found she 'd been abducted
2 They believed she had been murdered by the Grantley Ripper although as yet no body had turned up .
3 I imagined she 'd been knifed , violated .
4 In some odd way he was not a stranger because his name was painfully familiar and she imagined she had been expecting this angry arrival since her accident — that must be the cause of this feeling that was swimming through her .
5 It might have been my colleague Ann — who knew my whereabouts — or even my editor , come to congratulate me on the first pages of Lover at the Gate which I had faxed through from the hotel 's secretariat — or even Sophie , come to apologize , though I hardly imagined she had been promoted from child to lady in the few weeks of my absence .
6 Pc Court had threatened to take the force to an industrial tribunal last year alleging sexual discrimination in a case supported by the Police Federation , but Mr Newing agreed she had been disadvantaged after the arbitration service ACAS was brought in .
7 It was only then she realised she 'd been holding her breath .
8 Jahsaxa flinched with annoyance when she realised she 'd been connected with the Roirbak answering machine again .
9 Virginia realised she 'd been gripping the steering-wheel unnecessarily tightly and consciously relaxed , forcing a laugh and wincing as the vibration worsened her headache .
10 After a while she realised she 'd been beating at him with her fists hard enough to hurt and yet he had n't lifted a finger to stop her .
11 Maui claimed to lose it , so she offered him each of her fingers and toes , one by one , until she realised she had been tricked .
12 She sat up and rubbed her eyes , colouring furiously as she realised she had been using Roman 's shoulder for a head-rest .
13 A postmortem later revealed she had been strangled .
14 A post mortem revealed she had been strangled .
15 At first it was thought her death was an accident and she had been choked when her necklace snagged on branches , but a second post-mortem examination five days later revealed she had been murdered .
16 I soon realized she 'd been raped — no need to go into the details .
17 Her broken optic shifted painfully , and she realized she had been seeing out of her empty left eyesocket .
18 Det Sgt Pat Lewis , of the child protection team , confirmed she had been examined by a doctor and added : ‘ We will be speaking to her in the morning .
19 When she was found they reckoned she 'd been lying there for three hours .
20 PRINCESS Diana was at the centre of a mystery last night after a US paper claimed she had been recorded chatting to a man declaring his love for her .
21 A JUDGE was forced to scrap a lengthy criminal trial after a woman juror claimed she had been threatened with the sack .
22 Joan received permission and active encouragement to attempt what she claimed she had been sent to carry out .
23 She claimed she had been having a passionate affair with Mary Jo 's husband Joey , 36 .
24 VICAR 'S daughter Hannah Murray-Leslie was outraged by village gossips who claimed she had been booted out of a public school because of a frolic behind the bicycle shed .
25 One , Yvonne Morgan , said anglers on the riverbank were an invasion of her privacy and claimed she had been subjected to abuse and foul language .
26 She had a skullcracker of a headache , and guessed she 'd been opened in several places by knifecuts , branded in others by dollops of fire .
27 The sergeant saw her eyes were dim with sadness and he guessed she had been thinking about her former husband .
28 He guessed she had been named after Lady Irene Nevil 's daughter in Wrenwood .
29 This reminds me of the story about the old lady who boasted she had been wearing the same pair of stockings for twenty years — one year she knitted new feet on them and the next new legs !
30 A post-mortem examination at the time showed she 'd been hit on the head with a blunt instrument .
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