Example sentences of "[vb past] on [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cries rose on all sides of her as she filled the dishes , but she worked on steadily oblivious , like some eccentric female St Francis , brooding a little about the image seen in the vicarage garden , which , although it had turned out to be only an old cloth flung over a tree stump , was an indication of the way things might go .
2 The houses were meticulously painted and rose on ten-foot stilts above the ground .
3 There was a blur of activity and the sandwich rose on three pairs of legs .
4 Depreciation should be ( a ) calculated on the same basis as in the audited accounts for the year to 31 December , 1989 , and ( b ) charged on all assets on a monthly basis , with no upward revaluation of assets in the year and with due regard being paid to the carrying value of any assets and the length of the asset 's expected useful economic life to the Business , having due regard to the incidence of obsolescence and future requirements of the Business .
5 First , all the evidence that is available shows that the expansion of the social services did not so much rely on the workers made redundant from the industrial sector but rather it drew on new sources of labour — mainly women .
6 At first TV drew on established reputations in the press ; later , the press wooed contributors from TV .
7 Her faith in him was severely tested later , especially in 1908 and again in 1913 ; but she drew on deep reservoirs of resilience until the anxieties of his last year as a soldier began to sap her energies as housekeeper , mother , and gardener .
8 But in fashioning his movement , Baden-Powell skilfully wove together any number of the political questions that preoccupied his contemporaries , and the movement 's spectacular growth drew on deep funds of social anxiety — anxieties which invariably settled around the excessive liberty allowed to young people and the attendant demoralisation which was , in turn , linked to a newly perceived upsurge in crime and violence among the young .
9 Nevertheless it requires separate assessment , not least because it drew on certain areas of experience not directly dominated by the monarch .
10 We drew on these aspects in developing our recommendations for attainment targets and programmes of study .
11 BC reported on continuing discussions with publishers on possible commercial publication of the Edinburgh Journal of Botany .
12 The pier is small , the cottages few and tidily arranged , the little beaches a delight for pebble collectors , the bay a narrow inlet of Loch Torridon landlocked on three sides by gaunt grey hills , and only the cry of seabirds disturbs the silence .
13 Prosecutor Nigel Godsmark said he preyed on 270 women over a three-year period .
14 E-selectin is up regulated on endothelial cells over a period of hours after stimulation by inflammatory mediators .
15 I soon felt hungry and thirsty , and my first food was fruit which I found on some trees near a river .
16 In the previous section we concentrated on two axes of the search space : time and level of abstraction .
17 The belief that different treatment methods are needed for and tried on different populations of sufferers does not stand up to critical examination : the stories of those in recovery from addictive disease through the Anonymous Fellowships are so immensely varied that it is quite clear that this population has not been selected in any way .
18 Although Walton J. referred on two occasions to the plaintiff being under a mistaken belief that they were bound to pay the duties it is clear from his findings that in relation to at least the last three payments they were in considerable doubt as to their liability and he said , at p. 745 :
19 Plutarch noted that he and his contemporary Scipio Nasica disagreed on certain details of the battle of Pydna ( Aem .
20 According to Acquisitions Monthly , Morgan Grenfell advised on five deals in the first quarter — including Redland on its takeover battle with Steetley .
21 She was bright and she was presentable , which meant that she already scored on two counts over the help that they 'd hired last year .
22 After cutting out other drier , sun-lightened ends , we painted on some strands of High Lift Blonde Tint .
23 Like most cars with double-flight stairs , these had very short half canopies , with wooden roller blind destination boxes , each mounted on three stanchions above the end hand rail .
24 It would have been impossible to predict the way events developed after October 1917 , and the policy of the Party seemed on numerous grounds to be the most sensible , the only one which went some way to reconciling the need for large economic units ( which , rightly or wrongly , was assumed to be decisive for material progress ) and for democracy , understood as the right of peoples to choose their own State .
25 I played on four albums for Barry Gibb ; I worked for Dionne Warwick on the ‘ Heartbreaker ’ and some film music for ‘ Staying Alive ’ .
26 Also I just played on six tunes on Bruce Hornsby 's new record , with Bonnie Raitt and Phil Collins .
27 And they want to come and see the factory , they want to go to yeah , it fell down cos Richard was too busy at the end of last year , fine get that sorted and i Sally was dropped in the crap by right at the end of last year , came on five sets of bearings , I could 've done 'em in two weeks .
28 Wilcox turned on some lights above the board table on the other side of the room .
29 Both supported the introduction of labour exchanges , and decasualization of labour although , as we shall see , they differed on other aspects of unemployment policy .
30 The film opened on 2,400 screens across the United States before opening in Britain and the rest of Europe later in the summer .
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