Example sentences of "[vb past] [pn reflx] [adv] into the " in BNC.

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1 Cornelius fanned at his trouser bottoms and slowly drew himself back into the vertical plane .
2 Cathy went into the shop and Wycliffe let himself out into the little hall from which stairs led up to the flat .
3 GEC , under the guidance of Lord Weinstock , built itself up into the largest manufacturing employer in the UK , producing a wide range of products from telecommunications to defence electronics .
4 Ashamed of her excess of imagination , she let herself out into the street and covered the few yards to her car under the trees .
5 As she let herself out into the garden through the kitchen door , she gave a small shiver that had absolutely nothing to do with the autumnal chill in the air .
6 She let herself quietly into the house , and immediately heard the sound of voices coming from the living-room .
7 Suddenly , from the top of the bank , Buckthorn flung himself headlong into the scuffle , knocked one of the guards flying with a kick from his back legs and then closed with the other .
8 Tom flung himself back into the chair beside her , still without speaking , and Belinda stood there while Faye gave her a watchful glance .
9 He threw himself vigorously into the work in hand , and presented the aspect of one who did not know when to stop .
10 BILLIONAIRE Ross Perot last night threw himself back into the race to become US President .
11 The state-controlled television threw itself vigorously into the fray .
12 Accepting enthusiastically the school 's principles of unsectarianism , coeducation up to the age of eleven , mixing middle- and artisan-class children , and making lessons short and pleasurable , she threw herself wholeheartedly into the teaching until forced to resign through ill health .
13 Robyn threw herself enthusiastically into the struggle , on the radical side naturally .
14 However , there was a storming finish as Peterborough twice hauled themselves back into the match .
15 My uncle in the evening had read aloud something where the line was quoted The child is father to the man and these words insinuated themselves not into the stony ground and thistles of my mind but into the dark rich soil that brings forth a hundred fold .
16 Lord Deverill called as he swung himself effortlessly into the saddle .
17 The judge swung himself calmly into the saddle and the mare stood without moving whilst he adjusted his stirrups .
18 Martin pressed himself back into the burial plot , his fear of it temporarily forgotten in the face of this new terror .
19 A little round hill , a sort of headland , thrust itself out into the estuary slightly to her right , and beyond it , she thought she saw a great bay , a giant bite out of the smooth slope of grassy shore .
20 Ruth saw thrown spears hang in the air as if floating in water , and she thrust herself down into the grass , her face in her hands so as not to see any more .
21 And at that point his voice faded as Belinda got herself safely into the passage and out of earshot at last .
22 The train pulled in at her station and Lee got herself out into the street , touching too many people , climbing ugly grey stairs , looking at posters advertising Tampax , warning about Aids , promising relief in the Bahamas , selling newspapers , selling theatre tickets , selling life , she thought , but it ca n't be bought , not really , it 's within .
23 Daalny stood tense and at a loss for one moment , before she flung herself bodily into the open doorway , as though she feared the door might be slammed again before she could prevent , though Cadfael made no move .
24 Mary gave one horrified glance at it , then flung herself madly into the ditch at the side of the lane .
25 Feeling less athletic , in fact weak and drained all over , she lowered herself slowly into the cool water .
26 After a triumphant journey of 30-odd feet , unfortunately executed backwards , Julia propelled herself neatly into the nearest restaurant and ordered an early rösti .
27 He worked himself up into the kind of rage that leads to unforgivable things being said .
28 He hauled himself after her and Fenella gasped and half fell , half pulled herself over into the Robemaker 's wood-store , to be followed , a minute later , by a rather out-of-breath Caspar .
29 They gradually pulled themselves back into the game .
30 Filled with shock of a kind that had not been with him since the actor-manager 's first refusal , Paul took himself out into the snow .
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