Example sentences of "[vb past] [indef pn] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Below , they revealed nothing but a thin haze .
2 If you saw someone you knew and you shouted out to them , you were in dead trouble , even if you shouted hello , or if you asked someone at the next table for a cigarette .
3 ‘ With your good-looking Drew ? ’ asked someone with a friendly laugh .
4 And then I met someone from the Kaplan galleries which showed thinking bishops in their robes such as you see in the windows of the galleries in St James'/ The gallery had just taken on a new director and were proposing to show modern art — people like Tinguely and Marcelle Cahn who at that time were n't known .
5 After lots of hard work during the day , Terry invited everyone to a special ‘ Black & White ’ evening which produced some wonderful sights .
6 Our tiny underground Church was too small , so we invited everyone to the main hall of Munster Road School .
7 ‘ I think I caught everyone on the wrong foot at Ayresome Park when I increased my shareholding to 48 per cent earlier in the season . ’
8 These were demanded relentlessly by the Russian government and by traders because of their commercial value , but they contributed nothing to the natural economy of the natives .
9 The Victorians used nothing but the finest timber in their churches and it 's absolutely first class for recycling .
10 ‘ Oh , piss off , ’ shouted someone at the other end of the hut , as a boot bounced off the door just as the Sergeant made his exit .
11 I was convinced that the law would back us , so I found someone at a local law centre and she confirmed it , so we went back .
12 Michael came to mountaineering through its literature and found someone of a like mind who was also keen to start .
13 Maclagan — jogged silently down the lock 's east wall but found none of the expected demolitions at its gates .
14 I found none of the double entendres in Whiplash Whispers funny , and the illustrations were a bit tasteless .
15 One of them , a handsome man scarcely more than an adolescent , shouted something in a high voice .
16 The state now provided something of a protective safety net from the cradle to the grave .
17 The medium of world commerce was often the sterling bill of exchange , which provided something like an international currency .
18 Although hailed by the leaders of the Catholic revival as their patron , ‘ the good Earl John ’ ( as he was known by them ) retained something of the recusant Catholic families ' suspicion of ‘ enthusiasm ’ , religious fervour , and triumphalism .
19 At first the freemen of both town and country had an organization and a type of property which still retained something of the communal as well as something of the private , but in the town a radical transformation was taking place .
20 This convention retained something of the laconic style of drafting of its Latin American predecessors , and like them applied in principle to both the service of documents and the taking of evidence .
21 I 've already completed mine : my son and I disturbed one on the main path leading up to The Merrick , in Galloway , and ranger Fred Gordon and I saw a very angry one on the path in Glen Cairn in the Cairngorms .
22 It looked round for an ally , and found one in the old hereditary enemy , Austria-Hungary .
23 No answer , but perhaps he found something in the watchful face that was not quite mute , for he smiled , and deep within the hollow eyes a spark kindled .
24 This created something of a diplomatic flurry between London and Washington , as the Americans sought assurances that the British were not trying to sabotage their plans .
25 One rather exciting will home made will I hasten to add I dealt with last year , the lady of some who was not getting on with her husband and I think although I 'm not absolutely sure that the handwriting is that of her sister and we have this form filled in and it mentioned the bank or special savings account and it mentioned the premium bonds and it mentioned everything in the back bedroom and the linen in the linen and the linen cupboard because she 'd brought all this lot and it failed to appoint an executor and it failed to deal with the residuary estate it meant that technically there was a partial intestacy , as there was a partial intestacy the rules applied to that , first person to inherit ?
26 He helped everybody in the local community .
27 In most respects it was human in shape , but gigantic in stature , and there seemed nothing of the human being in the way it suddenly paced forward from the trees .
28 But from the tall , hawk-faced man beside her came nothing of the subtle serenity she hoped for , only a sense of controlled power that dispersed when he said prosaically , ‘ I 'm sorry , did I kick your ankle ?
29 As the right hon. and learned Member for Surrey , East ( Sir G. Howe ) advised everyone in the Financial Times last week , ’ There is nothing to prevent a group of countries pressing on with a separate Treaty The fact is that we can not , even if we wished , stop the others going ahead . ’
30 Half the people in the study received nothing from a formal agency and the authors conclude that the Social Fund ‘ is largely irrelevant to most real-life situations within which the poorest people find themselves ’ .
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