Example sentences of "[vb past] [that] they [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 The Staufer maintained that they accepted the magisterial primacy of the Roman Church — the pope 's power to approve and anoint the emperor — but they challenged the jurisdictional primacy , namely the pope 's claim to appoint the emperor .
2 Studies on savants who can tell you the day of the week on which you were born found that they followed the rules of a calendar to work out the dates .
3 A review of American schemes carried out in 1990 by the General Accounting Office found that they reduced the total amount of litter by 10–20% by weight and 40–60% by volume .
4 When R. Hoy put these hybrid females on a Y-maze he found that they preferred the songs of hybrid males to those of either parental species .
5 In a communiqué broadcast on Jan. 17 the leaders of the Medellín and Cali drug cartels , under their assumed name of the " Extraditables " , announced that they accepted the " victory " of the government of President Barco in the five month " war " waged between them [ see p. 36844 ; 36889-90 ; 37119 ] and would end their hostilities , release their hostages , cease drug shipments and surrender weapons and explosives , in return for constitutional and legal guarantees which would respect their rights and allow them to return to their families and communities .
6 Tom Mann believed that they made the best pickets of all .
7 " In my Opinion there can be no doubt that the chief underlying cause of the serious and widespread unrest lies in the fact that the strikers believed that they had the sympathy of the government " .
8 The jury believed that they used the tools necessary to keep him under control .
9 Some of them added that they thought the TBC paid too little attention to the speeches of politicians : this was to be a frequent complaint .
10 The roars of laughter told that they knew the sergeant was right to suspect moonlighting ; something which is quite common to the lower ranks of the RUC because many have a background as skilled tradespeople .
11 In the following year a Sussex doctor Gideon Mantell ( 1790–1852 ) found some large fossilized teeth in a pile of rocks intended for road-mending and noted that they resembled the teeth of the modern iguana .
12 Welcoming Bush 's proposals on Sept. 28 as " a decision of historic dimensions " , the German Chancellor Helmut Kohl noted that they implied the removal of all short-range missiles from Germany .
13 When the first parental rumblings voicing criticism of a hitherto unknown junior school in Islington , North London , became public , few watchers of the educational scene imagined that they marked the beginning of a long-running drama which would fill many column inches in the daily press as well as provide material for a TV documentary .
14 Two other daughters of the King , Princess Helen and Princess Sophie , whose arrival in Romania with relief convoys from the United Kingdom and Switzerland on April 10 had attracted widespread publicity , stated that they regretted the government 's decision .
15 The justices made the residence orders , stated that they adopted the guardian ad litem 's view of the local authority 's actions , and ordered the authority to pay the father 's costs assessed at £7,171 .
16 Increasingly , the socialists declared that they saw the republic as a Bourgeois stepping stone in a transition to a socialist regime .
17 Citing the testimony of local residents , the UDF claimed that they contained the remains of people summarily executed in September-October 1944 ( i.e. immediately following the Soviet invasion and communist seizure of power ) .
18 Whereas the prisoners were beginning to retreat into apathy by the second day , many of the guards quickly showed that they enjoyed the power they had , and began to abuse it .
19 Of the many books I have read , the ones whose authors showed that they possessed the most joy and happiness were Epictetus , Seneca , Tagore , Thoreau , Kabir , Raidas , Ramakrishna , Rumi , W.H. Davies , Vinoba Bhave .
20 They were astonished at the number of people who replied that they preferred the hole !
21 On a number of occasions during March members of the NPKA indicated that they wanted the new constitution to introduce a clear separation of powers between the executive and the legislature .
22 Well fortunately the Spanish were even more incompetent than he was and what the Spanish commander , instead of rubbing his hands at the prospect of er the damage they were about to wreak , he discovered that they had the wrong calibre shells for their guns and Roosevelt and the Rough Riders overran the Spanish guns a and Teddy Roosevelt became a war hero and on the strength of becoming a war hero , he become vice president of the United States , got the vice presidential nomination and in good American fashion the president was shot er by an assassin er and Teddy Roosevelt became president , so there you are , there 's a there 's a career plan for you to er to think about .
23 Research in Texas on two sulphur compounds found in garlic discovered that they blocked the conversion of certain chemicals in the gut to carcinogens , inhibiting the first stages of tumour development .
24 Blaina always felt that they had the ability to go up last season so , to ensure that they do not miss out a second time , a new team manager was recruited and given the task of harnessing the club 's talent .
25 Adam insisted that they left the AmTrak Crescent at its penultimate stop in New Jersey .
26 ‘ They insisted that they held the meeting at a place of their choosing and only told us at the last minute .
27 If they were children , they could be betrothed , but the Church insisted that they retained the right of refusing their consent to the marriage when they grew up .
28 These decisions , supported respectively by 23 and 32 countries , provoked a walkout by the Dutch delegate , who complained that they exemplified the lack of consideration of the larger EC members for the smaller member countries , and that the outcome of the voting had been " deviously stage-managed " to present a fait accompli based on an Anglo-French deal reached at the IMF Group of 7 meeting on May 6 [ see p. 37474 ] .
29 It appeared that they encouraged the men not to live there , but to claim social security as if they were .
30 Bush said , however , that he would use his executive discretion to modify or suspend US sanctions when two more of the five conditions were met ; administration officials said that they expected the freeing of political prisoners and the lifting of the state of emergency in Natal to be regarded as adequate moves .
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