Example sentences of "[vb past] [not/n't] seen [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd not seen her for quite some time , you know .
2 I 'd not seen him for six months .
3 He had not seen her for a while and he was pretty sure she had committed suicide .
4 He had not seen her since early Friday morning .
5 Wycliffe had not seen her at first .
6 Nora had not seen her like that since the day she and Sam had arrived at Coutances .
7 Though Old Red had looked at me so keenly , I would be prepared to swear on oath that he had not seen me at all .
8 Since then , he had returned only when his father was down at the harbour overseeing the refitting of the Russell , staying out all night and sleeping rough , and for the last three days she had not seen him at all .
9 She always forgot , when she had not seen him for some time , how he affected her .
10 She had not seen him for an hour or more , he had been here earlier , had he left in a fit of boredom , was he sulking in
11 She had not seen him for a month .
12 Police broke in after neighbours had not seen him for several days .
13 I had not seen him since 1982 , but when we met again in his home near Salzburg in March 1988 to record radio and television interviews on the occasion of his 80th birthday he was quite unchanged , as courteous and welcoming as ever and perfectly settled within himself .
14 Ramsay had not seen him since that day at Musselburgh when the good Regent Moray died and Seton had been sent off to Fife to try to hamper Balliol 's landing at Kinghorn , a gallant but unsuccessful endeavour in which Seton had been wounded .
15 She would get to work on Maxie just as soon as his presence at home should coincide with hers ; she had not seen him since returning from the tea , except when crawling wearily into bed .
16 Carrie asked them anxiously , and they only said that they had not seen him without saying how ridiculous the question was .
17 By leaving Brentwoods earlier than anticipated , she had not seen him through the publication of his novel .
18 Eden wrote : ‘ After three months without a comment from the Prime Minister ’ ( he had not seen him during this period , which included the ‘ internationalization ’ of the Spanish Civil War ) , ‘ I found this an astonishing doctrine , ’
19 Geraldine had not seen him in pyjamas before .
20 I had not seen them for over two years .
21 I had not seen them for some time .
22 ‘ Although he had not seen us for six weeks , he soon recognised us and started shouting Tuffin George all over the shop . ’
23 ‘ I had not seen you for over six months , ma'am , it was merely surprise that you have lost a little colour … ’
24 I had not seen it before taking a look at the February/March issue .
25 What a sharp , sneering face he had had , though she could not see it , as she had not seen it in the darkness of her dream .
26 Zenith knew of the existence of Acme 's program but had not seen it in use — no infringement of copyright , the function of the program is idea , not expression .
27 I had n't seen her since when we were on remand , and then we both got sentenced and got sent to different prisons , so I had n't seen her for nearly a year .
28 I had n't seen her since that night at the Club and I was beginning to despair of ever seeing her again .
29 I rang her every day , but I had n't seen her during the time I 'd been living at Eva 's ; I could n't face any of them in that house .
30 Swire Sugden seemed very impressed with Mollie but then he had n't seen her with her skirt tucked in her bloomers showing her skinny legs .
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