Example sentences of "[vb past] [not/n't] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Those four orientations , listed not in the order provided by Dahl but in the order I believe to be most significant to an understanding to British political culture , are toward ( 1 ) problem-solving , ( 2 ) the political system , ( 3 ) cooperation and individuality , and ( 4 ) other people .
2 This is principally indexed to the claimed historical transformation of Modernism into a series of engaged avant-gardes dedicated not to the aestheticisation of life , but to the integration of art into life .
3 The knowledge that this is what occurs comes primarily from stability theory — applied not to the rest configuration as in Section 22.2 , but to the various possible convective structures .
4 Thus Turner has written that the sporadic appearance of trade unionism arose not from the absence of collective association but from the " intermittence " of the actual need for collective action " .
5 He sought mandamus directed not to the visitor but to the provost and fellows to reinstate him on the grounds that the provost and fellows had breached the rules of natural justice .
6 This is medicine practised not for the benefit of the patient but to protect the doctor from litigation .
7 In 1917 he could refer Garvin to a speech made in 1905 where he stated his ideal for the British Empire : ‘ we think of a group of states , all independent in their own local concerns , but all united for the defence of their common interests and the defence of a common civilisation , united not in an alliance — for alliances can be made and unmade — but in a permanent organic union' .
8 Deane is n't a bad player , at sheffield however he did score in bursts rather than every other game he also played not as a goalscorer but someone to play flicks etc .
9 ‘ He came not as a senator , ’ said Mr Donlan , on BBC Radio 4 's Today programme .
10 Most of the provisions of the Housing Act 1988 relating to private sector renting apply equally to housing associations , but the most important change relating to housing associations came not in the Act but by ministerial decision .
11 As it turned out the problem came not from the Opposition but from our own side .
12 The calls came not from the opposition RPR-UDF coalitions , but from separatist groups .
13 Whatever authority it had , came not from the power of the speaker — he had none in the conventional sense — but from the cogency and relevance of what he said and the hope it inspired .
14 The power of the Establishment came not from the fact that a few dozen people imposed their will on the rest of us , but from the fact that for a long time we felt it right that the opinions of such people should have respectful attention paid to them .
15 To Folly 's surprise , the voice came not from the stranger , but from somewhere behind and above her .
16 Elvis 's huge ballad repertoire needs little commentary here , save to stress that it began not with the move to RCA but at Sun , ‘ Love Me Tender ’ ( 1956 ) and ‘ That 's When Your Heartaches Begin' ( 1957 ) being preceded by equally sentimental ballads cut for Sam Phillips ; indeed , it began earlier — when , as a boy , Elvis was entered for a talent contest at the Mississippi-Alabama Fair , it was the sentimental country and western number ‘ Old Shep ’ that he sang .
17 As well as making claims about the efficiency of markets , the theory denies the existence of producer power , at the same time drawing a reassuring analogy with democratic control in the political sphere : corporate behaviour is no more than a reflection of the popular will , expressed not through the ballot box , but via individual purchase decisions .
18 When it came to the actual recording , there was the sound of the pistol shot — followed not by the thump but by Ken wailing as only Kenneth Williams could wail .
19 The success of Morrison 's project derived not from the cementing of working-class allegiance to Labour through the unions , but in filling the political vacuum created by the downturn of political and industrial militancy in the immediate postwar period .
20 Stewart 's Nature critique focused not on an analysis of Ungar 's behavioural claims , but on the chemical purity and composition of the presumed scotophobin .
21 That is , a revolution from above , a revolution guided not by the ambition of the bulk of the population , but by the interests of the landed aristocracy and the military .
22 Darwin introduced a new element into the equation because he started not from the fossil record but from field studies , which forced him to consider the real-life pressures acting upon species in the course of geological time .
23 Once these points were fixed , the law of trusts advanced not by the chance observance of a testator 's intention , but by the logical extension of first principles .
24 There might also be quite a number of very much smaller black holes scattered around the universe , formed not by the collapse of stars but by the collapse of highly compressed regions in the hot , dense medium that is believed to have existed shortly after the big bang in which the universe originated .
25 That he thought this possible is suggested by his comments on Frazer whom he saw not as an investigator of a remote and hence irrelevant past , but as someone whose researches are like Freud 's , of apparently universal application , applying not to a particular historical period but to ‘ the soul ’ .
26 In some cases doctors will not only have to consider the capacity of the patient to refuse treatment , but also whether the refusal has been vitiated because it resulted not from the patient 's will , but from the will of others .
27 It would be an ironical stroke if investigations into the affair resulted not in the discovery of those happenings in which they had been guilty but only in those where they had been blameless .
28 Appropriately enough Di Leonardo 's first gesture , a hand raised to still the clamour , looked not unlike a blessing .
29 Having ascertained that the problem related not to the law but to the evidence , he said :
30 Its importance within the city lay not in the speed of its rise — which was hardly spectacular — nor in its violence — for it could only do what Berlin sanctioned , but rather in the social and national spirit it fostered within the community .
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