Example sentences of "[vb past] [not/n't] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She tried not to lie to the child , as she had been lied to .
2 But she came to the kitchen when summoned to help , and she tried not to grumble at the repetitive nature of the work and the talk .
3 As soon as the cold fingers let go for a moment , I pulled my hand quickly back , put a pile of books in front of the broken window , and tried not to listen to the desperate cries outside .
4 Luce made a sweeping gesture with one arm and tried not to wince at the pain .
5 She tried not to smile at the wording , and then she handed it back .
6 The fellow shrugged and Athelstan tried not to concentrate on the great yellowing ulcer on the right side of his face , the pus now suppurating , bubbling out , staining his -cheek .
7 Zambia tried not to think of the future .
8 He tried not to think of the shock his sister had expressed so strongly when he had told her of his intentions .
9 Guy leaned back against the hut door , dragging the cold night air into his lungs , and tried not to think of the anguish in Isabel 's white face , of the tears drowning her luminous grey eyes .
10 The sky was aflame and though she tried not to think of the sunsets from Fernando 's cliff-top it was virtually impossible .
11 He tried not to think about the time , six months ahead , when his grant would finish and he would need to find work .
12 He tried not to look at the screens .
13 She tried not to look at the easy , mutual affection of Finn , Francie and the dumb woman .
14 Melanie had not been down to the work-room since her very first morning ; she tried not to look at the partially assembled puppets , hanged and dismembered , on the walls .
15 She tried not to look at the glass on the pink marble top of the wash-stand , empty , a sticky red stain at the bottom .
16 Charles tried not to look like the outcast he was feeling and quickened his pace to simulate important last minute business at the Officers ' Mess .
17 They I mean in a time when it 's sort of been difficult to make money erm why is that one got not gone by the board and more amateur production put in there ?
18 Because Allitt opted not to go into the witness box , the defence case lasted just two-and-a-half days against the prosecution case of two-and-a-half months , at a likely cost of about £1.5 million .
19 It was a new and very special experience to be treated as a granny , excluded from the kitchen , given a sherry before the meal and told not to help with the serving up .
20 The majority of farmers were probably sceptical and decided not to invest in the system , because the Scientific Farming Machinery Co appears to have ceased trading a year or so after announcing their new gas injection equipment .
21 However , Brahim Ghali , a member of the Polisario Executive Committee , had stated in an interview given to the Madrid newspaper El País of Oct. 22 , 1990 , that if the Moroccan government decided not to agree to the holding of the referendum , or tried to interfere in the running of it , then the armed struggle would be renewed on all fronts .
22 All the 11 Antarctic Treaty signatories , who were UN members decided not to participate in the vote .
23 Quickly she decided not to go into the garden ; instead she would climb the nearby tower block and see her garden from above .
24 So I decided not to go to the Literary Club but to stay at home .
25 And then we decided not to go to the Hanover Fair , so change the specification so that it could be a a versatile sort of display for whatever we wanted to display .
26 ‘ I decided not to go with the Parslows , ’ she announced , as though she were saying the most reasonable thing in the world , but her lips were numb with fright , Papa was such a hard man to defy .
27 I decided not to go until the following morning . ’
28 In 1970 Worcester decided not to continue with the CNAA application because Birmingham was reviewing its BEd and the new arrangements would probably be acceptable to the College .
29 At the end of March , however , An Taisce , Cork , decided not to object to the granting of planning permission .
30 Rincewind decided not to ask for the return of his five remaining rhinu .
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