Example sentences of "[vb past] [coord] give [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Before she could move back , he bent and gave her a light , lingering kiss on her mouth .
2 Such information was not highly ‘ theoretical ’ but it helped build up an objective picture of the people who went to the theatres I studied and gave me a useful corrective to people who made sweeping generalizations such as ‘ the theatre is for everyone . ’
3 I turned and gave him a wave , ‘ Do n't wait up for me , I may be late . ’
4 And I was walking away , and turned and gave him a great kick , you know , right in his balls , and I said , ‘ Come on then ’ , took a mad fit , you know , and I
5 Before disappearing through the brick arch she turned and gave him a final smile and a wave .
6 Julius turned and gave her a faint smile .
7 But , when he turned and gave her a warm , infectious grin , she found it difficult not to smile back at him .
8 The man turned and gave me a friendly nod , before taking up a small piece of wood with pencil markings on it .
9 In the doorway Battler turned and gave me a final beam for good measure , then they were gone .
10 At the door he turned and gave me a last despairing look and I saw him no more .
11 They went wild and made us promise to come back and give a display , so a few weeks later we returned and gave them the whole show .
12 Stefan grunted and gave him a sharp look .
13 So she went and gave him a hug .
14 He looked explosive , and then laughed and gave her a kiss on her flushed and papery cheek and bought them both a bottle of wine in the wagon restaurant for tea .
15 Mister Johnny looked at Nick ; then he laughed and gave him the skull .
16 ‘ Yes , ’ Steve urged and Ruth blinked and gave him a small smile .
17 Gazzer leaned over as far as he dared and gave her a hand , holding on to her arm while she helped Simon to hoist himself up .
18 He leaned and gave her a smacking kiss on the cheek .
19 Only then was she aware of the telegraphist who sat beside her , who smiled and gave her the thumbs-up sign .
20 While she was absorbing that little gem , ‘ I never thought I would ever accept a working wife , but , ’ he paused and gave her a private smile , ‘ if that 's what my darling wants , I just ca n't stand in the way of her choice to continue working . ’
21 He paused and gave her an intense look that revealed a little of how it had been for him .
22 It fitted and gave her a perky look .
23 Erm I said if there 's any money left over I 'll give you the money , I said and give you the rest the week after or if there 's none left I 'll give you the tenner week Oh that 's alright do n't worry about that , he said , that 's fine .
24 And she says there 's nothing wrong with you she said and gave me a what you call it to p to er protect myself .
25 I refused but gave them a couple of biscuits and to their delight took their photographs .
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