Example sentences of "[vb past] [coord] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Of those 363 hotel pools , 31% were found to have inadequate or no rescue equipment and 21% lacked or had insufficient pool surround fitments .
2 Partly no doubt because Bob had been brought up in Thornton Heath , he was popular with local fans , but his popularity also stemmed from the fact the he made or scored vital goals precisely when they were needed .
3 From 1828 to 1850 he acted as engineer to the Scottish Fisheries Board , in which capacity he built or improved numerous harbours , including Dunbar , Fraserburgh , Inverness , and Wick .
4 Second to Henry Yevele , Wynford was an architect of genius who transformed and unified English building .
5 She spent a pleasant few minutes thinking of her small business where she designed and made exclusive wedding gowns for a rapidly growing circle of customers , but Dana 's early-morning phone call refused to be dismissed .
6 Garland crashed and suffered slight burns .
7 Over 90 per cent stated that they frequently supervised and assisted small groups of children engaged in educational activities set by the teacher , and encouraged children by offering appropriate attention and by showing interest in their activities .
8 ‘ The investigation has revealed major defects in the way in which British Rail 's Southern Region signalling and telecommunications department organised resignalling work , and supervised and tested completed wiring . ’
9 In the mid-1960s wage bargaining in the public sector became more politicized and produced frequent confrontations with the central government , regardless of whether it had an incomes policy or not .
10 However we stopped and got good directions .
11 She stopped and looked full face into the mirror , as if , among the distorted outlines of the bar she was standing in as it stretched far into the mirror-room that swallowed it up and pulled it into strange shapes , she was looking for something not apparent in the real room .
12 There were rainbow clumps of raw colour which sizzled and suddenly coiled into snakelike forms as she approached and lifted serpentine heads to hiss at her ; there were pouring cascades of things that had appeared to be silk or velvet , but which were molten gold when she got nearer and made her remember Fael-Inis and the cascading River and the salamanders .
13 He was not a lady 's man in the accepted sense , rather he championed and encouraged single women to travel at a time when it was still considered bad form for a respectable young lady to take a shopping trip to London unchaperoned , let alone visit the Continent .
14 As he did all his life , he also found and encouraged new designers and composers .
15 There was no moon showing and the gas lamp opposite the dining rooms flickered and cast frightening shadows down the cobbled lane .
16 The main interest is centred on the splendid harbour , almost completely landlocked and providing excellent shelter .
17 Morgan characterises Swan Light 's advertising as positive , lighthearted and conferring normal beer values of sociability and humour .
18 Choosing quite deliberately to envisage literature as a " cog and a screw " in an ideological crusade against the combined forces of capitalism , colonialism and fascism , Radek reviewed and assessed foreign literatures in terms of their responses to the major historical events of the early twentieth century .
19 The meadow began to mushroom with tents and huts and the street theatre erupted into an explosion of living history , the performers flinging themselves to the ground and then leaping into the air as and when the idea occurred and making funny faces all the while .
20 However , the advantages for an increasingly enfeebled and menaced Ottoman empire of representation in the capitals of Europe were now too obvious to be disregarded .
21 Mada Joyce had , it seemed , no husband but seven children from three different fathers , each apparently blacker than the one before and the latest , who occasionally visited and made half-hearted repairs to the shack , Nana dismissed as ‘ nothing but pure Negro . ’
22 Further violent demonstrations were reported in Douala on Oct. 14 , leaving dozens injured and causing major damage to property .
23 There is a fascinating groundswell of feeling on the avant-garde led by Martin Margiela with his elaborately deconstructed and reconstructed flea-market treasures for a fashion that is fundamentally different from the designerisms of the Eighties .
24 Parthia was by now a remote state , though formidable : the Magi had some of the prestige of the mysterious region from which they came and offered spiritual goods of their own .
25 And they 're all the new slabs in the pavement , the men came and putting new slabs in .
26 Crompton and Jones carried out detailed investigations of the three institutions they studied and found strong evidence that proletarianization had taken place .
27 When I ran the Alliance of Small Firms , we had regular visitors every year sponsored by the Government of Korea , who wined and dined small business men and tried to persuade them to take their work to Korea to be done .
28 Just as before she had needed to stay inside the cottage , fearful that she would miss Johnny if he should come , now she needed to be away , out there where her world was still turning , and people laughed and played and did ordinary things .
29 According to some commentators , Aoun seriously miscalculated the LF 's level of preparedness , and was surprised when Geaga 's forces counterattacked and overran numerous Army installations in the LF-controlled northern provinces of Jbeil and Kesrouan .
30 Then he straightened and dusted invisible grains of dirt from the knees of his coveralls .
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