Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun prp] [noun] [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Hugh 's son Thomas Herland succeeded to the lease of Bishop 's Hall in Kingston , and in 1413–14 entertained King Henry V there .
2 My father never visited Jubilee Street Elementary once in all the years I was there , but Granpa used to pop along at least once a term and have a word with Mr Cartwright my teacher .
3 In the second round of the LCFA Intermediate Cup , Sacre Coeur trounced Bluecoat OB 9-0 away , Andy Boon ( 2 ) , Eddie Furlong ( 2 ) , Ken Duffy ( 2 ) and Brian Roache ( 3 ) netting .
4 The Revolution of 1905 made Tsar Nicholas II reluctantly agree to a series of sweeping changes .
5 A TREBLE at the Axe Vale on Wednesday put Robert Alner 19–12 ahead of Philip Scholfield for the Daily Telegraph Men 's Championship and the Dorset rider could stretch his lead still further at the Portman this afternoon .
6 Extrovert Biggins is one of five survivors from the side that thumped West Brom 4-2 away and then lost 1-0 to Everton in a fourth-round ‘ home ’ tie , switched to Goodison Park to ensure a big pay day .
7 For their $283m the 75 investors that KKR represents will get preferred stock , convertible after three years into Fleet/Norstar stock at $17.65 a share , plus 6.5m warrants for newly issued Fleet/Norstar stock exercisable immediately at the same price , the last closing price before the purchase was announced .
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