Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although until late in 1912 Picasso and Braque lived in Montmartre and had relatively little contact with the other Cubists who lived mostly on the Left Bank or in the suburbs , they did not live in isolation .
2 He lived right on the main road he was very vulnerable !
3 The lucrative trade in duty-free goods with buyers from Argentina and Brazil , centred especially on the eastern border town of Ciudad del Este ( formerly Puerto Stroessner ) on the Rio Paraná , was buoyant in the second half of 1990 , but was threatened by the March 1991 decision of Argentina , Brazil , Paraguay and Uruguay to create a common market [ see p. 38096 ] .
4 Edward did not create it from nothing , but he founded a new town — King 's Town — on the old site , which he manipulated especially on the western side .
5 He held another Council in May 1108 on the same model as the last , with a similar representation of lay magnates , but on this occasion he concentrated entirely on the administrative problems arising from his earlier decree against clerical marriage .
6 He dwelt especially on the insulating and prophylactic properties of excessive flesh , remarking at one point , ‘ Without the upholstery of embonpoint the body is a mere skeletal spring , ready to uncoil its very mortality . ’
7 Rain pattered gently on the unlined metal above , and he hoped it drowned his panting breath .
8 My growing interest in China was whetted by the best-seller ‘ The Good Earth ’ by Pearl Buck , while the newspapers reported daily on the Japanese attack on China at Chapei .
9 They waded ashore on the Polynesian atoll of Raroia on 7 August 1947 just over three months after leaving Peru .
10 Rune 's hands moved soothingly on the cool flesh of her arms , demanding her confidence .
11 Nearly all the earliest printed illustrations of American Indians concentrated obsessively on the gory details of their supposed cannibalism .
12 The bank rose sharply on the other side .
13 Cromwell destroyed that liberty : he appointed twenty-seven fit and proper persons — schoolmasters , lawyers , ministers of religion , doctors ( the sort of people found nowadays on the regulatory bodies for broadcasting and video ) to censor public reading .
14 The envelope contained a ‘ Big Mouth Strikes Again ’ label with the words AND SO SAY ALL OF US scrawled strangely on the other side .
15 The research linked together the relevant data bases , and concentrated particularly on the statistical association between the UPA index for small areas ( and its component indicators ) and self-reported morbidity of residents of the small areas .
16 The small birds clustered tightly on the swinging coconut were fighting for a firm grip .
17 Our intention was to reside half the year at Southall , and the remainder in London , and I remember we moved there on the 26th June , 1830 …
18 Mining in those areas occurred initially on the exposed fields in the area between Leeds and Derby , and it gradually shifted eastwards , as improvements in technology allowed deeper pits to be sunk , onto the concealed deposits .
19 The bicycle basket sagged heavily on the front mudguard .
20 Like Auerbach a scholar of Germanic origins who finished his career in the United States , Spitzer developed , in contrast to him , a method of stylistic analysis which concentrated firmly on the individual text .
21 At a meeting on Aug. 29 Gorbachev and Yeltsin endorsed a plan produced by the commission which drew heavily on the Russian " 500 days " programme .
22 Nevertheless , Scott drew heavily on the Byzantine palaces of Venice , which Ruskin had popularized in The Stones of Venice , for inspiration in the revised Foreign Office design that he was preparing for Palmerston in the autumn of 1859 .
23 Here feminists drew heavily on the evangelical stress on marriage and the family as the foundation of upright national government .
24 Early in April 1848 the committee which Nicholas had set up under Menshikov reported negatively on the two most popular journals of the day , The Contemporary and Notes of the Fatherland , and recommended the creation of a new body to supervise the activity of the regime 's censors .
25 The pattern changed again on the 25th as a strong , cold northwesterly dug in behind a complex series of troughs , the precipitation turning increasingly wintry .
26 The K2s got away on the second attempt .
27 Perhaps the final irony was that Dubcek , himself a thorn in the side of Soviet authoritarianism , passed away on the 75th anniversary of Russia 's October Revolution .
28 Herds — if that is the proper collective for guanacos — grazed peacefully on the alpine plants .
29 ‘ But suppose , ’ his voice lingered sarcastically on the last word , ‘ I do n't want to be out of your life ? ’
30 Some of it spilled inadvertently on the nearest congregation , particularly Carmella and Joey .
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