Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] for [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To obtain a clear white wine from black grapes Dom Pérignon would have had to employ sophisticated pressing techniques ; it is most likely , therefore , that it was Pérignon who invented the traditional Champagne press , designed exactly for this purpose .
2 Many , but sadly not all , camcorders enable you to monitor the sound in the field via an earpiece which is plugged into a socket provided specially for this purpose .
3 She posed carefully for each exposure .
4 And er , we stopped there for some time and nothing happened and me dad says Gil !
5 A textbook , composed specially for this examination , has been published — Preparing for English for Commerce , by David Davies and Douglas Picket , publisher Prentice Hall .
6 The UK scored lowest for this variable .
7 A text book , composed specifically for this examination , has been published — Written English for Business ( First Level ) , by Alan Stanton , publisher OUP .
8 A textbook , composed specifically for this examination has been published — Written English for Business ( Second Level ) , by RGH Andrews , publisher OUP .
9 A textbook , composed specifically for this examination , has been published — Written English for Business ( Third Level , by Bernard Bater and Gerald Lees , publisher OUP .
10 A textbook , composed specifically for this examination , has been published — Preparing for English for Commerce , by David Davies and Douglas Picket , publisher Prentice Hall .
11 Billie could see their closeness when Adam let her out , saw that they cared deeply for each other .
12 Very few ideas and very few projects of any significance are implemented by one person alone : Other people 's effort makes it happen — whether they are assistants , subordinates , a staff , a special project team , or a task force of peers assembled just for this effort .
13 More importantly , I began to write poetry myself , for myself , poetry which I showed to no one and kept hidden in an exercise book reserved explicitly for that purpose .
14 He worked contentedly for some time and was deep in the intricacies of a genealogy when the telephone rang .
15 While Giovanna sang encouragingly , stroked and patted the chicken 's back , Ninetta watched underneath for any result .
16 And it left boss Graham Taylor saying : ‘ This was no fluke and they worked hard for each other .
17 In December 1986 Lord Crickhowell announced that the plans to transform the Cardiff docklands would be taken forward by an urban development corporation — Cardiff Bay development corporation — established specifically for that task .
18 The Youth Team and several of the regional display teams , formed especially for that event , have continued to develop their various talents over the years , and many will be represented today at our 40th Anniversary .
19 At Magdalen Bridge , Dennis went ashore for more champagne , which passed from hand to hand as we negotiated the lower reaches of the river .
20 I mention this now to Gordon and he chuckles : ‘ I went specially for that shot .
21 Similarly , extensive pastures can be at some distance , since animals can be walked there and kept there for some time by herdsmen .
22 This was indeed what was sought by the IS team in the first place , and was a concept to which they clung tenaciously for some time .
23 Calculate the over or under-absorbed overhead for each cost centre .
24 The explanation put forward for this relationship is that where the coverage of collective agreements is extensive , as in centralised-bargaining structures , trade union membership is thereby encouraged since the benefits of agreements are seen to accrue to union members on a wide scale .
25 He had also for some reason tried to mask part of his window .
26 This was unsuccessful , but fighting continued there for some time .
27 Prentice opened it and wedged it open with a rusted chunk of iron left there for that purpose .
28 Carried forward for this year , for this year is thirty eight thousand three hundred and fifteen pounds , our precept is sixty thousand pounds , and our expected income is fourteen K.
29 The three men stood together for some time while the long-faced sheep ambled around them , sometimes coming close to examine them but scuttering away at the slightest of their movements , sending a ripple of bells through the whole flock .
30 I know he asked me to stay but I wanted more for some reason . ’
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