Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [adj] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Caspar , who distrusted most magic on principle , thought that probably nothing would happen at all and the evening would end as so many evenings were ending lately ; with the heating of the squares and the terrible screaming of the victims .
2 Beware , however , of a succession of interviews and nothing else which , while corresponding perhaps to a real-life investigation , can became rather repetitive in pattern and thus boring , even in the hands of such a skilled practitioner as Ngaio Marsh who often laid out her books on these lines .
3 Catherine , made less thin by candlelight , had put on a blue dress which made her look even younger than her age .
4 Gerald became so successful in farming and property that he was able to retire at the age of forty .
5 He became so bored by family life ( Tamara had given him a daughter and Yolande a son and a daughter ) that he lost interest in his children .
6 That was probably another of the reasons why they became so obsessed with loyalty , with the idea that you were part of some élite squad .
7 These slimy , dark creatures were applied to his back and left there until they became so full of blood that they fell off .
8 They played turn the trencher and Blind Man 's Buff and forfeits , during the course of which Robert was required to kiss Alexandra and became entirely incoherent with rapture .
9 Sometimes , they even used to laugh at me because I got so serious about athletics .
10 she could n't even remember , she got so pissed up Christmas morning , she missed Christmas dinner I said come home and have Christmas dinner
11 The move changed the spirit of the centre ; it became less concerned with education and more concerned with French computer sales to the Third World .
12 Lesbian and gay activists learned from the GLC experience about the benefits and dangers of working with local councils ; heterosexual members of the Labour Party and councillors became less afraid of lesbian and gay issues ; lesbian and gay rights increasingly became part of the package offered by the new social-movement oriented , urban Left .
13 The Court of Appeal decided that the Transfer Regulations did not cover employees employed in the undertaking but dismissed shortly prior to completion .
14 This seems to imply that care programming has been considered and dismissed as redundant in view of prevailing systems of mental health care .
15 Mr Blatchford was especially concerned about the family — by which he meant the heterosexual , patriarchal family which he regarded as sacred in Labour 's pantheon .
16 The ministry demanded more than 400 changes altogether — which Professor Ienaga described as tantamount to censorship and a violation of the constituional right to freedom of expression .
17 But it stopped well short of friendship .
18 Interestingly , no clear footprint was observed at the RARE sequence found immediately upstream of footprint I ( shown in italics in Fig. 2B ) despite the fact that this sequence is able to bind retinoic acid receptors efficiently in vitro and that undifferentiated F9 cells contain retinoic acid receptors .
19 Jason McCoy , all this month , has a show of Jackson Pollock drawings among which are two large gouaches which surfaced too late for inclusion in the artist 's catalogue raisonné in 1976 .
20 I mean that 's what another thing I found very hard about teaching .
21 The quota system and its responsibilities stimulated a variety of fund-raising social activities and some branches became unprecedentedly active as community foci which , in turn , led to a new sense of social unity through corporate activities and interests .
22 Meanwhile employers continued to expand occupational provision for full-time salaried and some manual grades of staff , to the extent that full-time employment in the public sector became largely synonymous with access to occupational scheme membership .
23 Indeed , in view of the spread of the disease , it seemed somewhat unnecessary for Horizon to choose a title relating solely to Greenwich Village .
24 It was hoped that , in present circumstances , the drawbridge would not be up nor the portcullis down , with the enemy army camped so close at hand , and its leaders no doubt either in the castle or lodged in houses in the town .
25 Of course I realised that at the last moment he could have been attached to another troop , but this seemed highly unlikely in view of the S.A.S. methods of training , which relied upon close personal co-operation between all ranks .
26 Then if Mr Major takes a cool look at why Mrs Thatcher was overthrown , why he became Prime Minister in 1990 , and why he came so near to defeat in 1992 , he will see a cycle of excessive boom , high inflation and then prolonged recession .
27 Constance thought , looking in surprise at this woman who seemed so radiant with health .
28 Never since the wartime cabinet saw Churchill and Atlee working in concert have the main political parties seemed so close on defence .
29 Took a walk in the fields saw an old wood stile taken away from a favourite spot which it had occupied all my life the posts were overgrown with Ivy & it seemed so akin to nature & the spot where it stood as tho it had taken it on lease for an undisturbed existance it hurt me to see it was gone for my affections claims a friendship with such things but nothing is lasting in this world last year Langley Bush was destroyd an old white thorn that had stood for more than a century full of fame the gipsies shepherds & herdmen all had their tales of its history & it will be long ere its memory is forgotten .
30 The new life that seemed so full of promise lay dying at her feet .
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