Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We really felt that this was a book to push on , and so we talked to the trade very early on , consulted them on the jacket and so on .
2 She leaned in and pecked me on the lips .
3 Ronni carried them indoors and laid them on the kitchen table , scarcely able to bear the mouth-watering aromas that were escaping from beneath the tin foil .
4 He once caught a pigeon , but it was mostly sparrows so small that , when he laid them on the embers to cook , they were ready by the time the feathers had singed and were hardly worth even sharing , except with the twins who insisted .
5 George Yaxlee took the contents of the back pocket and laid them on the mantelshelf .
6 He took an envelope from his breast pocket , extracted three photos , laid them on the desk .
7 Taking out a sheaf of documents , he laid them on the desk top .
8 He took the locket and the manuscript out of his pocket and laid them on the desk in front of the headmaster .
9 Zen took out a notepad and pencil and laid them on the desk .
10 So all attending had brought their freshly picked bunches with them and laid them on the coffin as they arrived , and I must say that it looked — and smelled — lovely .
11 Carson appeared with the towels , a bath-sized and two hand-sized , and laid them on the duvet by her bag .
12 Carter took out his packet of cigarettes and a box of matches and laid them on the locker .
13 She took some notes from her pocketbook and laid them on the table by her plate and her half-empty glass .
14 A human chain of soldiers , castle employees and members of the royal family carried out paintings , carpets , furniture , Sevres vases , books and drawings and laid them on the lawns before being transported by convoys of lorries .
15 But he s he met me on the road one day and he said to me , Miss , it would pay you to give a decent price for it , he said to me .
16 Who met them on the beaches ?
17 I took down our saddle bags from the hook in the wall and flung them on the bed .
18 only your mother was n't sure she asked me on the phone
19 He slung them on the banister in a casual manner .
20 ‘ They got me on the face , stomach and legs .
21 A hawthorn hedge divided them on the left from the field belonging to Upmeadow Farm , while on the right-hand side their territory was bounded by a swift little stream .
22 Everyone laughed , and the captain clapped me on the back and called me a good fellow .
23 They laughed and clapped me on the back and handed the container round the circle again .
24 Then they clapped me on the back with too many hands , thrust upon me the plastiform wafer that confirmed payment of the rest of my fee , and proclaimed that they would create a song for the festival in praise of ’ the , most safe and reliable Delmore Curb , master courier ’ .
25 Ryan stopped and clapped me on the shoulder .
26 Ralemberg smiled , sheathed his dagger and clapped me on the shoulder .
27 He laughed and clapped me on the shoulder .
28 He clapped me on the shoulder , proclaiming I was a great fellow , before sweeping away to join the dancers .
29 He clapped me on the shoulder .
30 Benjamin grinned and clapped me on the shoulder .
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