Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] might [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 She reconsidered his offer of help and reluctantly decided she might just have to accept it .
2 I thought you might just have remembered that , seeing that you typing it out for me only yesterday . ’
3 I thought we might perhaps have lunch . ’
4 He felt he might even have given the captain a good run for his money if it had n't been for the damn man 's obvious advantage of height and weight .
5 Nobody wanted to stroke a Gnome , except perhaps another Gnome , He thought he might just have a word with Caspar to see if Fenella could be brought along to his , Inchbad 's , bed that very night .
6 I thought he might still have been there . ’
7 Yanto realised he might well have to make a special journey to pick up the old man if Julie happened to be out .
8 Therefore , though the high density of Mercury suggested it might well have an iron core , Mercury was known to spin slowly and its large surface area to mass ratio indicated that its interior was cool enough for most or all of any core to be solid , and thus no detectable dipole field was expected .
9 The man was in civilian clothes , yet , in this city thronged with soldiers , he had a confidence that suggested he might well have worn a uniform in his time .
10 The dark circles under his eyes suggested he might well have spent the entire night going through them on a tape recorder , but it had n't helped .
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