Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The other thing that concerned me was particular slots which do n't seem to ever produce much in the way of attendance or revenue .
2 With regard to the now unimportant four percent increase which then if you may made I 'm sure councillors deny it and if we are to believe the reason that we have to bring our rents to this level is because government policy so dictates that we shall do .
3 The only person who approached me was poor Ian Smith , who came to London but was not a representative at the talks .
4 Fans turned up to gigs in ridiculous anoraks , sold fanzines with names like Frothy Pop and pretended they were carefree 18-year-olds .
5 No one mentioned it was essential training as a motoring correspondent to have a car crash , but it happened to me in the same gruesome circumstances that confront hundreds of motorists every week .
6 They were just two points in front after a surprise defeat for Daz Sumner when suddenly the team found it 's real fighting spirit .
7 He was tall and pale and when Nicholson shook his hand he found it was icy cold .
8 Cedric ate them is vast quantities and with evident enjoyment but they , like everything else , made not the slightest difference to his condition .
9 ‘ What I just told you is straight reportage .
10 ‘ Have you any info on the subject I told you was top priority ? ’
11 During 1986 , Mr Scott did once enter the kitchen , and when he did not see his wife assumed she was visiting relatives .
12 Mr Onanuga , 31 , has told friends he naively went along with the story because Mr Newton believed it was good publicity for Thresher and his own branch , and he did not see how it could harm anyone .
13 Last night I had no idea how to pronounce it and assumed it was pure Quechua .
14 HARROGATE ‘ 89 , the international Carpet Fair , confirmed it 's world-wide status and drawing power by again attracting an 8,000-plus visitor attendance — 14.4 per cent of the visitors coming from overseas .
15 In 1979 , similarly , Iris Murdoch remarked she was glad Labour lost ; and she was voting Conservative , not without reservations , by the 1980s .
16 It was only three nights later that we discovered they were tiny insects .
17 FOUR dogs are today on ‘ death row ’ after a court decided they were illegally-owned pit bull terriers .
18 A second registrar examined Christopher , but decided it was possible Celia and Danny were telling the truth .
19 On hearing ‘ Go to it Rose Section — go to it ’ I decided it was Rose Section although the section was too far off to be identified definitely .
20 Turning to face Luce , his hands thrust into the pockets of his beige trousers , he went on , ‘ Last year I decided it was high time I had a wife and family .
21 Otherwise , the bag is a big , nylon pastel effort that expands to the size of a small marquee and then folds away to postage stamp size ( except that , like a map , once unfurled it 's hellish folding it back again ) .
22 But fund-raisers who have supported a public appeal to buy an identical scanner for the Northallerton Friarage Hospital admitted they were disappointed Northallerton health authority 's bid had been turned down .
24 I do n't know where they got my name , or why they thought I was suitable material for their article . ’
25 I thought you were asleep love .
26 It seemed like the right reaction as well , because everyone thought we were ambient intellectuals going around posing in mirrors and stuff . ’
27 He had continued to attend the meetings fairly regularly and still felt they were good fun , with everyone enjoying themselves enormously .
28 As I got nearer , I saw they were young people , mostly in their late teens and early twenties .
29 But when I looked a bit closer , I saw they were advertising gigs that were happening there next week . ’
30 Waterman hit back saying both Kylie and Jason knew they were successful actors before their pop success and were aware of the dangers .
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