Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] look [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Tommaso made me look like a mature man , an important man .
2 Beryl caught him looking at a painting hanging above the mantelpiece , a portrait of a middle-aged woman of exceptional beauty .
3 And squeamishness prevented me looking for a tiny insect to place on a sticky dewdrop leaf .
4 ‘ Miss Tuckey told us to look for a narrow objective within a broader attack .
5 In 1473 the king ordered him to look into a dispute between two members of the goldsmiths ' company .
6 In 1473 the king ordered him to look into a dispute between two members of the goldsmiths ' company .
7 When Antoine finished he looked like a floodlit gantry .
8 She often urged him to look for a suitable girl , but he always replied that there was plenty of time and to date no one had taken his fancy .
9 It made her look like a boy , or how boys used to look in the days when men had some self-respect and went to the barber 's .
10 Her loose yellow hair and the white hospital nightgown made her look like a sick child .
11 Her orange-red hair was worn bouffant , and her orange lipstick made her look like a small circus clown .
12 The one her husband had said made her look like a Queen .
13 To my eyes this made her look like a strip-dancer at a funeral .
14 My mum was wearing a sort of large red sack and a conical hat that made her look like a gnome in a pantomime .
15 ‘ I already told her it made her look like a Botticelli nymph . ’
16 The alcohol had sapped the strength out of his jaw muscles so that the skin fell in folds and made him look like a tortoise .
17 Time magazine still regarded him as a bit of an upstart , stating that his attempts at humour made him look like a third Smothers Brothers , and his laconic manner appeared to be a handy substitute for acting .
18 He was wearing an apron which made him look like a housewife , and tinkering with glass eyes , taking them out of a box and holding them up to the empty sockets of the dead bird , trying to find a matching pair that fitted .
19 We both had anoraks but Oliver would never pull up his hood because he said it made him look like a monk and he did n't want to endorse Christianity .
20 He was a quiet man , not much given to open or abandoned laughter , mainly because he thought laughing made him look like a horse — which it did rather !
21 His big , red face was turned towards her , attentive in the cigarette 's glow ; his moustache , like two orange tusks , made him look like a gentle walrus .
22 In fact they made him look like a schoolboy showing off his Cadet uniform to a schoolgirl who was really more into sending her underwear to Prince or David Lee Roth .
23 For all his long hair , bandeau and earrings which made him look like a weedy Viking , Terry Gill was a very ordinary young man , and pathetic ; pathetic because he so obviously wanted to amount to something and had no idea what .
24 I thought you meant I looked like a side of beef .
25 The stage hands thought she looked like a vulture waiting to pounce and would mutter that the old girl was on the sidelines again .
26 In her new dress , a fitted emerald green sparkly affair with huge padded shoulders , George thought she looked like a cross between a Christmas tree and an American footballer .
27 I noticed it , I thought it looked like a rash
28 Most people thought he looked like a tramp with his habit of tying his trousers up with string , but the first thing that all the dancers noticed was that he had big , flat feet .
29 It had since been rebuilt ; its arched windows and roofs made it look like a Russian provincial home .
30 She told the council 's cemeteries and crematorium consultative committee she was a regular visitor and the items being placed in the chapel of remembrance made it look like a shop display .
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