Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [vb infin] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 To some observers , the new generations who were born into this environment appeared stunted and uncouth ; their cheap clothing and strange variations on the English language made them seem like another species , almost subhuman .
2 Once he even made me hand over all the money beforehand , so that it would look as if he was paying for everyone himself .
3 They made me feel of some value again and the warmth was flooding through me long before the kettle had boiled on the iron stove in the corner .
4 Perhaps it was Lanyon 's horror that made me feel like that .
5 It was only the thought of this poor baby in me that made me stir at all and get myself to a friend of Ferdinando 's who is in the way of knowing all the business of the street being a wine-merchant and visited by all .
6 ’ Boy often made me think of that particular moment — it was the way he looked down .
7 It made me think of that voodoo thing which hangs round graveyards and wears a top hat . ’
8 The only thing that made me go into any routine was Pam .
9 Some even made me jump After this we got back on the coach and waited for the ferry .
10 He made me work with all his might
11 He took us to the Þingvellir National park where the clouds parted and the sun shone on square kilometres of snow that was so clean and pure it made me weep for all the time we had lost on the trip , and for the pleasure of being where I wanted to be .
12 ‘ You made me rise to that bait , did n't you ? ’
13 My natural reserve made me recoil at this blatant approach , as did my total commitment and loyalty to Leslie .
14 She seemed so happy and positive and the thing that made me opt for that hospital was when she said , ‘ Childbirth is the woman 's experience , we 're just here to back you up . ’
15 He let me think about that , a long , tense silence between us .
16 Your chairman was kind enough — before he let me loose on this most patient audience — to say that my attitude , for an historian , was very unhistorical and I took it that that was meant as praise .
17 He let it go at that , smiling to himself as he suggested to Iris Sunderby that she go up to her room and put her things together .
18 ‘ What made you decide on this trip ? ’
19 ‘ What made you think of that foolish tale ? ’
20 What made you apply for this particular job ?
21 What made you jump at that moment ?
22 I heard you talk about this hotel .
23 She heard him reach for another sandwich .
24 Only the young man 's intuitive fear of the heavy couple who had entered his shop , closed the door and locked it , and pushed him roughly into the back room , made him co-operate at all .
25 He wished he had n't spotted it as it made him think of this morning and going round the house in Hill View Road , and the idea his Mum and Dad had about moving .
26 1 When did it happen ? 2 What did he actually see ? 3 What did it make him think of ? 4 What made him think like that ?
27 Artai was incapable of sitting still for long , and only his abnormal concern with his appearance made him submit at all to the restrictive nature of the ministrations of the Y'frike slaves .
28 The story is , that in bygone days before the advent of the white man , there was a young Siwash Indian whose ardent love of nature made him come to that point of land on the inlet every day to watch the sunset .
29 If they were stopped by the police and her basket was searched , he was to say that he knew nothing about the newspapers — she made him agree to this arrangement if he wanted to accompany her on her clandestine journeys .
30 She saw them glance at each other and exchange a conspiratorial arching of the eyebrows , compounded in Miller 's case by the faintest of nods .
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