Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Then Monsieur Coutelan invited me to lunch in a restaurant in some village .
2 She had sent volunteers out to botanise , and invited me to coffee in the Harris Hotel .
3 It provided them with assistance in their education , in their hospitals , actually one of the biggest hospitals in the occupied lands in Palestine , it was funded more than seventy per cent by Kuwaiti governments and their university was also from tuition and the salaries of professors they are all sponsored by the Kuwait government .
4 Commercial directories listed him as physician in Shifnal .
5 The year 1681 found her in prison in Bristol for attending a Quaker meeting .
6 ‘ We found him in bed in his study , his face turned to the window , where the sun came streaming in through flowering plants …
7 Daisy found him by telephone in Harrogate with the news of Fred 's death and asked him to identify the body for her .
8 As far as I know , she went on to live a long life , enjoyed the notoriety , and used it to advantage in the family business , exploiting rumours of her Evil Eye to scare off creditors , and to get the best out of every bargain . ’
9 ‘ We … we doused it with paraffin in the car …
10 Possom Bourne drove them to victory in the Rally Of Indonesia … after four days and 400 kilometres they were six minutes ahead at the end
11 thing I told you about lady in red , remember that , a million and a quarter ,
12 She told him about dissension in the library , about the village feuds .
13 The script was handed to him by Casper Wrede , a director friend from the Royal Exchange who directed him on screen in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich .
14 They studied the development of germ cells in the ovaries of many fetal and neonatal mules and hinnies and compared it with development in the parental stocks .
15 It was later announced Aideed 's radio station had been destroyed by the Spectres which reduced it to rubble in a sustained attack of pinpoint accuracy .
16 She imagined it on fire in Lowell 's garden .
17 Anyway … they told us to hand in all our Arctic kit , fur parkas , white camouflage , etc . ’
18 Indeed , my future mother-in-law defended me against criticism in this regard , with the quelling reply : ‘ She has a trained mind , and nothing to unlearn ! ’
19 Stephen was talking to a tall , elegantly dressed woman , who looked younger than she actually was , and her much older husband when she joined him for lunch in the beach bar .
20 But , when she told me about your affair with her , instead of talking it out with you I allowed it to fester in my mind . ’
21 They were much favoured by the French ( hence the name ) , who developed and raised them to prominence in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , until the introduction of the Chinese wonders .
22 But these six descended on them like the Dynamos on a loose ball , flattened them into the floorboards , and trussed them in sash-cord in twenty seconds .
23 Owen laboured over the living , mending them as best he could , and over the dead , making them ready for burial , until he fell and lay like dead beside the last of them , but still conscious and aware , and Adam and some of those who had come with the priest to their aid carried him away and bedded him in quietness in one of the cottages .
24 His mentor , Tolkien , had brought a touch of genius to the art of the glossary , and Norman Davis followed him with distinction in the glossary to Bennett and Smithers , Early Middle English Verse and Prose and in the Chaucer Glossary , for which he enlisted the help of three Oxford colleagues .
25 Nor could doctors after a 999 crew rushed her to hospital in Bath .
26 Commonly called yellow fumitory , it comes up like mustard and cress at the foot of every shady wall in the garden and I used to wrench it out with the ruthlessness I used on sycamore seedlings until I discovered it on sale in a nursery for well over £1 a plant .
27 They watched as the judges conferred and then placed them in order in the line-up .
28 I needed her as ally in the forthcoming moves and changes .
29 ‘ Suddenly the guy pulled a knife on the bouncer and stabbed him to death-right in front of my eyes . ’
30 I had been horrified at his scarecrow appearance when I first saw him at the clinic , and when I met him by chance in Tala-Tala I felt so sorry for him that I asked him if he would like to come for dinner .
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