Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [verb] a new " in BNC.

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1 The year the shop opened she hired a new dress designer , Jacqui Smale , fresh from the Royal College of Art , and told her how sensible she thought it was to wear uniform because this removed the agonies of planning what to wear each day as well as the decisions about accessories to go with the clothes .
2 On March 27 the Russian Supreme Soviet rejected the government 's draft budget for the second quarter of 1992 and ordered it to present a new version in April .
3 So we drew a cow on it and signed it to start a new trend .
4 When landlord John Gardner bought the pub he decided it needed a new colour scheme .
5 When landlord John Gardner bought the pub he decided it needed a new colour scheme .
6 As a young man he had a prophetic revelation that led him to preach a new faith in place of the prevailing polytheism .
7 He was a keen student of the scriptures , particularly the Book of Revelations , and while meditating in his Calabrian retreat on the mystery of the Trinity and how it related to the time-process he had moments of intense spiritual illumination that led him to formulate a new millenarian philosophy of history .
8 This led him to propose a new evolutionary ‘ law ’ , which , in brief , states that within a relatively homogeneous higher taxon , subtaxa tend to become extinct at a stochastically constant rate .
9 The Syrian Prime Minister Mahmoud Zubi resigned along with his Cabinet on June 24 ; however , President Hafez al-Assad asked him to form a new Cabinet , which was announced on June 29 .
10 A woman drove a van into the garage at Cooksdown in County Tyrone and asked him to fit a new exhaust .
11 ‘ I felt I needed a new challenge .
12 BRITISH Rail thought they had a new excuse for late trains yesterday — THIEVES on the line .
13 Did I want a new hobby , to knit for my family , or to make money ?
14 Did you , did you have a new tape in ?
15 Mum , did you get a new ?
16 Mswati did not specify who would decide on the incorporation of the Vusela-2 recommendations into a new constitution , neither did he give a new date for elections , which had been due in November , although he said on Oct. 26 that they would be held in the first half of 1993 .
17 At the end of one term , one of them said she had a new friend called Lisa .
18 Yeah but they said we ca n't charge you for it he said we sell a new tube or sell you a new tyre he said we can charge you but we ca n't charge you labour .
19 Morgan Kidwelly , the duke 's attorney , seems to be in this category ; he was in Gloucester 's service by August 1471 and stayed there until Bosworth forced him to find a new master .
20 Morgan Kidwelly , the duke 's attorney , seems to be in this category ; he was in Gloucester 's service by August 1471 and stayed there until Bosworth forced him to find a new master .
21 I had a talk with John Heminges , and he said they need a new man to help with all the clothes and the other things . ’
22 Yeltsin 's closing speech on April 21 emphasized that the Congress had not resolved any of the problems of the relationship between executive and legislative authority , nor had it endorsed a new constitution for the state .
23 Morse said it lent a new meaning to the phrase ‘ keeping a shop ’ . ’
24 He said he had a new lover she was still at
25 Well I was working in the quarry , and er it 's last March turned round and said he wanted a new implemented with a new miracle saw that he had bought and he did n't really give us much warning about what he was gon na do but all he said was that er he was gon na scrap our old bonus contract and implement a new one no matter what , and from various figures that were bandied about we all realized we were gon na back quite a lot worse off because of it .
26 President Ramiz Alia on May 3 reappointed Fatos Nano as Prime Minister and mandated him to form a new government , one day after Nano had tendered the resignation of his provisional government formed in February .
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