Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun pl] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But , with that unpredictability which makes biology such a fascinating science , it was some biochemists interested in nutrition who laid foundations for the next major advance in the treatment of cancer .
2 Many hundreds of thousands of trade unionists were among those who became shareholders for the first time .
3 Queen Margaret College yesterday announced plans for a major expansion on to a new campus , costing up to £10 million and aimed at carrying the former domestic science school to the size required for university status .
4 On Feb. 1 , 1990 , Saudi Arabia announced plans for the first electronic share dealing system in the Gulf , to be launched in April , which bankers said would revolutionize the market and attract many new investors .
5 In 1988 , amidst a great burst of publicity , one forestry company announced plans for the future management and improvement of a river they owned .
6 He also had a keen grasp of steam locomotive matters and was responsible for introducing suburban passenger locomotives in 1945 , in which year he also made proposals for the first LMS ( and British ) main-line diesel-electric locomotives , which were finally introduced under his successor H. G. Ivatt two years later .
7 While on the one hand claiming to recognise the theoretical problems inherent in classifying cultural features and the possibility of interpreting otherwise , New Historicist writing tends to produce very organised , well-constructed and argued cases for a small number of Renaissance cultural features .
8 In June President Saddam announced proposals for a further and unilateral two-week halt to attacks on cities , hoping Iran might be tempted to discuss an overall settlement of the conflict , complete with a cease-fire , the withdrawal of both armies , an exchange of prisoners , negotiations towards a peace treaty , the resumption of normal relations and non-interference in one another 's affairs .
9 In January the NRA announced proposals for an alternative site for the reservoir which could save Mr Tarry , who lives in the village of Brinkley , and his neighbours in Carlton and Bradley .
10 We then laid plans for the next voyage .
11 We made demands for a cheap canteen on the site , for nurseries and better maternity provisions .
12 There was little to indicate what a busy area this was to become , with buoyed channels for the large tankers , and the storage tanks and quays of Sullom Voe tucked away neatly out of sight amongst the low hills .
13 Others , such as the sex fiend dubbed the ‘ Shopping Bag Rapist ’ ( Sun ) , and the soft-spoken brute , known as the ‘ Lonely Heart Rapist ’ , believed to be a loner who regularly visited clubs for the divorced and separated in the Home Counties ( Sun ) , do not have nicknames which provide instant headlines .
14 The individual being insufficient for the expression of these values , they might be extended in vicarious forms such as footservants who had nothing to do but to display their own superfluity , or pets , which provided surfaces for the further display of luxury .
15 But the governing New Democracy Party dismissed calls for an early general election .
16 He became the first Earl of Iveagh , and set up the Guinness and Iveagh Trusts which provided homes for the poor in Dublin and London , and made substantial contributions to Trinity College and Dublin hospitals .
17 The Banbury-based design house built cars for the ill-fated Andrea Moda team in 1992 and it is believed Bravo F1 will purchase equipment from the defunct Italian outfit .
18 Thirdly , a really effective and comprehensive defence structure for the European Community would be viable outside NATO only if it inevitably involved aspirations for a nuclear capacity .
19 On Oct. 22 the Privatization Commission invited bids for a further five public-sector banks and finance institutions .
20 We swopped experiences for the last time .
21 Saudi Arabia ( whose Petroleum Minister Shaikh Hisham Nazer did not attend the meeting himself , on grounds of " exhaustion " ) entered reservations for the opposite reason , to keep its options open for a possible increase in Saudi production above 8,000,000 bpd ( its allocation being 7,880,000 ) .
22 They provided hospices for the sick or for raising the innumerable foundlings .
23 Given the comparative naiveté of popular and vernacular idioms , Schoenberg 's liberation of dissonance ( ‘ enlarging the boundaries of the permissible ’ , as Debussy put it ) posed difficulties for the average listener that remain a subject of controversy .
24 After continuing to Paignton , the party changed platforms for a short steam hauled run over the scenic Paignton & Dartmouth Railway , operated by the Dart Valley Railway Company , and a river cruise up the Dart with a difference .
25 Brother Mark is no outsider to Continental markets , having done his MBA at Insead , the business school at Fontainebleu , which trained executives for the Single Market .
26 The Commissioners of Woods and Forests invited tenders for the one acre site , and it was sold to the Corporation of the City of London for around £29,000 .
27 The economy continued to suffer , however , from persistent inflation , balance-of-payments and budget deficits , and a shortage of foreign exchange reserves , the management of which posed problems for the incoming National Front government .
28 This change of attitude created problems for the large and cumbersome structure of the Labour Party , where the commitment to peace was a deep-rooted and sensitive issue .
29 In 1575 , he built Almshouses for the poor at East Greenwich , the first of their kind founded by a Protestant at a cost of more than £2,700 , and in 1581 , he published another work on the Duties of Constables , Borsholders , Tythingmen and other law and Lay ministers of the Peace .
30 The Inter-Andean Depression of Ecuador is controlled by two terrane boundaries ( sutures ) , the Cainozoic reactivation of which provided channelways for the double chain of volcanic cordilleras , which form a caldera-graben .
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