Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He is improving generally and his memory and concentration became normal during the 0/2 dosage .
2 Eventually , when they were in Canada , in the fifth month of the picture , Dustin got friendly with an Oriental man who claimed to be 104 years old .
3 This is encouraged and made possible through an international network .
4 It is a stunning image made possible by a freak set of weather conditions .
5 Thus , in the UK power is concentrated in the cabinet , a situation made possible by a weak legislature and strong political parties .
6 Proper regulation of banks , together with the generally lower interest rates made possible by a stable currency , also reduced worries about the property market .
7 The major achievement of a meeting in Moscow on March 13 of the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) was the agreement on repayment of the foreign debt of the former Soviet Union , made possible by a Ukrainian change of policy .
8 Although there may have been a trade in illicit cattle across the border between the Dutch and Kandyan territories in the eighteenth century , the large-scale networks were probably a product of the early and middle nineteenth century , made possible by the increased demand for cattle for transportation and meat .
9 The even greater increase in the availability of textuality made possible by the digital revolution , combined with the facilities it allows for altering , merging , and adding to already written texts , presents a related but different set of problems to the novelist .
10 Traditional topics were omitted , supplanted by studies of the form and pattern of settlement , made possible by the great increase in their rate of discovery and excavation during the 1970s .
11 But so great was the gulf between the righteousness of God and the depravity of man that the hope of salvation , made possible by the obedient and sacrificial death of Christ , was ultimately dependent upon divine rather than human initiatives .
12 One is faced here with the blind spot of the dominant form of Irish nationalism , already so apparent in the preamble to the constitution itself , a blindness made possible by the ideological differentiation of state and religion combined with the ideological unity of the people , seen at once as both nation and catholic .
13 It was a way of life based on constant leisure made possible by the constant labour of other classes and enslaved peoples .
14 The ‘ pervasive desire ’ for a cappella solutions has been impelled by the musical excellences made possible by the choral institutions ( all tinged with a Protestant Englishness that most members of the forum probably imagine that they have never espoused ) .
15 Western Europe began to show signs of real recovery during 1948 , made possible by the proper application of the benefits of ‘ Marshall Aid ’ .
16 The first task was to halt the rapid North Korean advance , then the Un commander-in-chief , General MacArthur , launched a counter-attack , allied with a brilliant flanking movement made possible by an amphibious assault on Inchon .
17 The budget for the 1989/90 financial year which began on July 1 , 1989 , included a planned 4.4 per cent increase in expenditure to KD3,549,100,000 , made possible by an expected 8.6 per cent rise in revenues to KD2,230,500,000 .
18 A new Chair in European Law has been created , made possible by an initial commitment well in excess of £100,000 by the Birmingham law firm of Wragge & Co .
19 In their longitudinal study , they were surprised how many of the women who had been considered to have a supportive marital relationship when first interviewed became depressed after a later crisis .
20 Eventually he became depressed by the sheer difficulty of his subject , by the realization that he was not , as he put it , going to be able to build a cathedral .
21 The youngest of a large family , who lived right in the book-printing district with Morrison & Gibb , Clark 's and Neill 's within walking distance , she had two elder sisters already in the trade .
22 Believe it or not , the society has now been in existence for a year and subscriptions became due on the 16th of March .
23 But , in the summerhouse , she became dissatisfied with the slow growth of clay .
24 As The Lord of the Rings was coming to the end of its gestation it became possible for the first time for political leaders to say they wanted nothing and make it come true .
25 Real power remained in the hands of the union delegations but it now became possible for the local parties to ensure that their opinions were more effectively voiced .
26 Paleontology had always had a geographical dimension , and this was exploited more thoroughly as the exploration of the fossil record became possible on a world-wide scale .
27 Some historians argue that modern ecology only became possible in the post-Darwinian age in which all natural relationships were seen to be fragile .
28 Consequently , it was necessary to introduce more daylight into the broader interiors and this became possible in the 1890s with the use of reinforced-concrete floors and steel girders .
29 Now it was replaced by an administrative , legal , and organizational unity , which first became possible in the twelfth century as a result of the development of the administrative , legal and scholastic instruments of government .
30 Devlin and O'Cathain found that of 122 children consecutively referred , 22 became dry after a structured interview ( with the child alone as well as with a parent ) , advice on personal hygiene and cleanliness training , daily bladder exercises , and provision of a ‘ star chart . ’
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