Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] same [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 I made the same mistake that I make , year after year .
2 Backbenchers mostly made the same points that they had made over a year earlier .
3 Attorney General Amos Wako announced the same day that political parties would not be required to obtain licences to hold rallies during the election campaign , and that all parties would be allocated equal air time on national radio and television .
4 By contrast , a group representing European human rights organizations which had returned from a 12-day visit to Burundi , maintained the same day that at least 3,000 people had been killed in reprisals by the army and paramilitary groups after the rebellion .
5 Radio France Internationale reported the same day that it had received a communication from the leaders of three Togolese opposition parties protesting that ( the above ) key portfolios had gone to members of Eyadema 's party , the Togolese People 's Rally ( RPT ) , and calling on the HCR not to ratify the list .
6 and they 'd the same bed that that they 'd got married in
7 Peter Chester informed the same Committee that ‘ there certainly have been changes in knowledge .
8 Nevertheless the government faced the same problem that every other government had faced with the NHS , trying to maintain a balance between a centrally controlled budget and escalating demands , demands shaped by the professional providers of services and the inescapable needs of an ageing population .
9 The Scots thus faced the same challenge that Edward II had faced in 1314 , and the outcome was the same .
10 The US company Du Pont acknowledged the same day that it had exported to Iraq a special lubricant used for nuclear weapons but stressed that permission to do so had been granted by the US government in 1989 .
11 The Nationalist offensive against Madrid deployed the same tactics that its africanista commanders were accustomed to using against tribesmen in the Moroccan Rif : a series of columns attacking simultaneously at different points along an extensive front .
12 He thought your freelance Mrs Howard represented the same thing that he thinks he represents himself : the defence of this country .
13 Penny only wanted a West Country holiday , not the least ingratiating thing about her , and they took the same cottage that his Mum had rented , and they stopped , he and Penny , for the same coffee and the same stroll round the monument .
14 In that case , which involved the transfer of patients and the lease of a building from one drug dependency foundation to another as a result of the local authority 's decision to transfer its subsidy , the Court took the same view that the decisive criterion was whether the business in question retained its identity and adopted a similar approach to the range of factors to be taken into account by the national court in deciding this matter .
15 A presidential spokesman said the same day that the appointment was permanent .
16 Herbert was there too and wrote the same day that ‘ It 's heavenly here — the air is wonderful and one never feels tired … ’
17 The floating restaurant had the same equipment that every other restaurant had .
18 Men might reject the guiding hand of Providence and increasingly take control of their own lives , but death , when it came to them or their loved ones , had the same countenance that had frightened their ancestors .
19 This mirrored the same argument that opponents of Merrell Dow and of lignite mining in Co .
20 The human rights organization Amnesty International claimed in a report published the same day that thousands of Kuwaitis had been tortured , raped and killed since the Iraqi invasion on Aug. 2 and the ensuing occupation [ see pp. 37631-41 ] .
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