Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] [noun] [verb] down " in BNC.

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1 Both the trial judge and the Court of Appeal applied the law laid down by the Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division in Reg. v. Commissioner for Local Administration , Ex parte Croydon London Borough Council [ 1989 ] 1 All E.R.
2 Capable of an impressive 110 mph the little car — it 's 10 inches SHORTER than a Mini — is now quite rare as the company which made the kits shut down after only 15 were sold .
3 They expected the angels to come down and join battle with them — ‘ the sons of light ’ — against their enemies — ‘ the sons of darkness ’ — and to give them victory over all other peoples .
4 You were unable to arouse Sir Thomas so you asked the servants to break down the door ? ’
5 It 's tempting to stop at every village you come across on your travels — at Spili , we paused to drink from a Venetian fountain where stone lionheads spouted clear spring mountain water ; at Preveli we visited the famous monastery which looks out to the south coast ; driving through the Psiloritis mountains we braved the wind to climb down the Kourtaliotiko Gorge and saw the tiny church of St Nicolas .
6 Censorship remained for the state-run broadcast media , and the government retained the right to close down publications which printed articles to which it objected .
7 These people are afghans … a few of the one million who fled the rockets raining down on the capital city , Kabul .
8 I stopped the police banging down your door earlier out of respect to you .
9 After driving some distance Angel stopped the carriage to get down and continue on foot .
10 When Leonora returned to the bedroom she found the bed turned down invitingly .
11 The lobster served to her at dinner with David Swan was her first but , judging from the way she let the butter run down her chin , not her last .
12 He let the torch travel down over her back , to take her all in , and was surprised to something peculiar under her tail .
13 She found a notepad from the Shelbourne and scribbled the word Grimoire down .
14 Leigh , with only one win this season , led 12–8 until former Great Britain winger Carl Gibson broke out of his own half and outflanked the cover to touch down .
15 Sir Charles , pink in the face , commanded the hall to settle down , and when it had reluctantly done so , summoned Sir Teddy Taylor MP to oppose the motion .
16 In 1752 England at last adopted the calendar laid down by Pope Gregory in 1582 to replace the Julian calendar which , after 16 centuries , was ten days out of true with the natural seasons .
17 Desperate for quiet they called police who told the old-timers to pipe down .
18 ‘ The British told the soldiers to lay down their arms and gathered the civilians into a church and contacted the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to evacuate them , ’ a source said .
19 She wanted to cry and she imagined the tears flowing down her cheeks and dripping on to her jersey and how he 'd probably say that she should go somewhere else to cry .
20 There was such tenderness in his face as he studied the tears flowing down her cheeks that she cried all the harder .
21 Social workers in Orkney , it seems , even ignored the guidelines laid down by their own association .
22 Theda lifted a hand to smooth down the edges of the fiery frame about her face .
23 I threw the head weighted down with stones into a canal .
24 Finally they wheeled her on a trolley down the draughty brown corridor , through the swing doors , into Ward 3-South where a dim light showed the children lying down .
25 The light showed the lift coming down .
26 Susan allowed the ship to drift down , and relaxed as the bulk settled into the receptive , motherly ground .
27 This allowed the filter to slide down to the bottom submerging the trickle filter section .
28 But last month , the Swedish government renewed a promise to close down the nuclear plants within 20 years ( This Week , 26 January ) .
29 Johannsen each claimed a Hurricane shot down at 1045 , both in the same location-obviously the Fulmars .
30 I joined a party to climb down the great west cliffs to the boulder scree of Carn Mør , where we stayed until darkness fell and listened to the calls of Manx shearwater , Leach 's and storm petrels as they came in from the ocean to feed their young , hidden deep under the boulders .
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