Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] [det] [noun pl] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Backbenchers mostly made the same points that they had made over a year earlier .
2 The androids ignored the few bursts that issued from his gun and carved smoking scars in the wall .
3 Er er , I 've , er I just I 'm just saying that , er , that , that last year er , when I made a few remarks that they were misquoted by Reuters and we did leave the meeting and the share price dropped by er , several P and we had to send out a correcting statement so this year we 've taken the precaution of issuing a press release er , at the same time as er , er , I 'm making these remarks so I hope at least they wo n't be misinterpreted .
4 And you got a few bits that your
5 When he turned to look at her with some compassion , she walked the few steps that kept them apart and , staring at him with desperate eyes , insisted , ‘ That woman in the docks … it was her , was n't it ?
6 The Nationalist offensive against Madrid deployed the same tactics that its africanista commanders were accustomed to using against tribesmen in the Moroccan Rif : a series of columns attacking simultaneously at different points along an extensive front .
7 Quite unable to stop herself , she too reached out to stroke the satin-softness of his skin , her eyes darkening as she saw the many bruises that came from trying to control the incredibly fast cars that flew so low and hard round the Grand Prix circuits .
8 Sarah Fleming answered the few questions that came her way with concise intelligence .
9 We did some of the old songs and Carl wrote a few things that we did new .
10 So that we had a few tiles that we knew what their pattern and date was .
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