Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] be a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A refugee from the Colette-Willy ménage of the early nineteen hundreds , from what promised to be a long stint of sterile work as Willy 's secretary and as yet another among the throng of that extraordinary man 's unacknowledged collaborators , the young Marcel Boulestin fled the malicious gossip , the dramas and scandals in which these two now legendary figures were for ever involving each other and their friends .
2 The first of what promised to be a long series of show trials of former senior officials of the ousted Ceausescu regime ended on Feb. 2 when a military tribunal in Bucharest found Emil Bobu , Manea Manescu , Ion Dinca and Tudor Postelnicu guilty of " co-authorship of genocide " in connection with the killing of demonstrators in Timisoara , Bucharest and elsewhere at the start of the December 1989 revolution [ see pp. 37104-05 ] .
3 PRAGUE to Zurich promised to be a better-than-average test drive for a new model .
4 Once again the ground has ruined what promised to be a good contest and only four of the 15 entries go to post .
5 Once again the ground has ruined what promised to be a good contest and only four of the 15 entries go to post .
6 On the first occasion , I remembered , I had found a highly personable stray kitten and before the week was up had delivered it to what promised to be a good new home adjacent to that jokey castle .
7 New England , I knew , would be ablaze with colour in autumn , so the drive promised to be a spectacular one .
8 Expanding your market by selling to schools promised to be a controversial session , and did not disappoint .
9 ‘ But I am very disappointed as I was looking forward to going to the West Indies and seeing what promised to be a great series . ’
10 This promised to be a difficult task ; hence the need for professional economists in the cabinet .
11 It was widely known that this promised to be a vintage year for books , thanks to an amazingly generous benefaction from a special friend of St.A 's & St.G 's .
12 She set off at once , and at the police station pretended to be a shy , frightened girl .
13 He pretended to be a qualified gynaecologist , although he had not passed the relevant professional exams .
14 Then she pretended to be a mute — she always invented some oddness about herself when consorting with the preening rich boys of the city .
15 As she walked from the post office empty handed , she pretended to be an American tourist , one who could leave in a few days , one for whom the trip would soon be nothing more than a few travel stories and postcards .
16 They lived with the shepherds and survived chiefly on mutton cooked with wild herbs , spignel meu they found to be a good substitute for rosemary and the child loved to eat the aniseed-flavoured seedheads .
17 It was nearly 20 years before Cade 's discovery was reinvestigated and found to be a useful treatment for maniacal patients .
18 There was , indeed , found to be a greater right field advantage in verbal ability and thus the first hypothesis was supported .
19 Snowdon I found to be a Scottish mountain transposed to North Wales .
20 By the middle of the nineteenth century , the offence had fallen into desuetude , but it was resurrected and found to be a handy prosecutorial weapon against gang fights , because it enabled the prosecutor to circumvent the limitations imposed by the laws of complicity .
21 Laura , desperately disappointed , tried to be a polite hostess for as long as required but when she finally retired found Bernard had locked the bedroom door .
22 But Mr Major said that if he tried to be a Tory tough the public would know him for a phoney .
23 A police spokesman said a third car — believed to be a black Citroen — may have been responsible for the accident .
24 Police frogmen have been searching lakes looking for a weapon … believed to be a six inch blade .
25 Farm workers , too , could be persuaded to defer to the locally powerful if the latter were prepared to act in what the farm worker believed to be a legitimate manner .
26 On 20 June 1757 , Bartram acknowledged the February letter , together with six cedar cones , parts of the Dictionary and Figures , and confirmed that he had sent the Gale which he believed to be a new genus ; in this he was right , for L'Heritier later founded the genus Comptonia upon it .
27 Mr Ahmet Koc , aged 34 , told the General Medical Council 's professional conduct committee in London that after coming to England with the promise of employment last year , he had first been taken to the surgery of Dr Raymond Crockett for what he believed to be a medical examination for a job .
28 Mr Ahmet Koc , aged 34 , told the General Medical Council 's professional conduct committee in London that after coming to England with the promise of employment last year , he had first been taken to the surgery of Dr Raymond Crockett for what he believed to be a medical examination for a job .
29 AN ARTIST 'S impression was released yesterday of a young blonde woman believed to be a fourth member of the IRA unit which bombed the Royal Marine barracks at Deal , Kent , on 22 September .
30 Last June Kingston upon Thames set up[ what it believed to be a unique new system for running the service .
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