Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the [noun] [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 It has been the deliberate policy of the Supplement to give these the prominence they lacked during the period when the OED was being edited .
2 He had very red hair and a pale complexion with masses of freckles all over his face , he was very popular with everyone and lived for the day when he could join the Army , particularly the Camerons .
3 Of course , there was always Agnes , and I lived for the nights when I joined the Ralembergs for their simple meal .
4 When the surviving Romanovs asked for the house where the Tsar was killed to be turned into a museum , Yeltsin and his Politburo colleagues had it demolished .
5 Maggie sat with the others and Natasha made for the bar where Muriel , an orange-haired dragon somewhere in her seventies , held sway as chief barmaid .
6 Growth in the size of the legal profession occurred during the time when consumer movements were coming of age .
7 He turned and headed for the door where he paused for a moment .
8 They placed bombs on two isolated aircraft and then headed for the hangars where they expected to find some worthwhile booty .
9 For librarians the title smacked of the days when running a library " was undertaken by a lecturer " in his spare time " ( compare the teacher-librarian in most British secondary schools ) and they resented the possible implications that running a library was not a full-time job .
10 Only they were men , scattering , seeking cover as they moved towards the place where he was hiding .
11 Therefore , those ‘ events ’ which enhanced the desired end must be designated ‘ good ’ , and moved into the position where they are acknowledged to be the very origin of the concept of ‘ goodness ’ .
12 Randall smiled again with a hint of mockery , settled the bet and turning away with his kerchief pressed even more firmly to his nose , moved into the cockpit where the cock-masters were preparing their birds for the fight .
13 He turned and peered into the shadows where Timothy was standing .
14 He staggered into the station where he was assisted by Irish Rail staff .
15 She rose from the bed where she had spread out the rosettes , strode to the window and stared down into the garden .
16 Slowly , Emily rose from the chair where she had seen her father seated many times , not knowing the problems he faced or understanding how troubled he was .
17 Reference to pre-Chelsea days are rare , but Miller described in the Dictionary how he grew Monthly Roses ( the Autumn Damask ) in his original Southwark Nursery ; under glass against a warm wall , ‘ using dung placed against its backside , as practised by raising early fruits ’ , to produce roses in February , for which there must have been a ready market .
18 Miss Evans moved from the sink where she 'd been all this time , standing quite still , and started to clear the plates from the table .
19 Nearby , at Buckler 's Hard , we wandered in the village where Lord Nelson 's wooden warships were built .
20 It also failed to deal with the unreasonably short times for notices of claims against carriers ; and it did not reverse the burden of proof that weighed upon the shipper whenever the carrier claimed the application of seemingly valid exculpatory clauses .
21 All the other problems ( except 3 ) occurred in the evenings when Olwyn should be in bed .
22 It could be due to the mild weather that occurred in the autumn when the lambs were conceived , he said .
23 From Stop Your Fussin , with a subtle reggae beat to the haunting Where 's The Ocean and finally the memorable Let The Rain Come Down , insinuating animation and acquiescence from a failed relationship , the album is tremendously good and truely ambitious .
24 ‘ God , I hope so , ’ Whitlock said then got to his feet and moved to the balcony where he looked out over the illuminated New York skyline .
25 Bernard dug his hands into the pockets of his dressing-gown and moved to the window where he stared across the lawn at the empty swimming pool .
26 Her mind ran on the wedding celebrations as she moved to the window where a stray shaft of sunlight , escaping through the thick cloud , threw a beam across the parquet floor .
27 And from the cities they moved to the forest where their attitudes to the locals were as racist as Limeño attitudes were to them : to the extent that David observed , ‘ Tropical cultures are disappearing faster than the rainforests themselves . ’
28 Born Max Bronstein in Poland , he trained in Berlin then moved to the Bauhaus where he worked from 1921–25 .
29 He moved to the side where he could watch the operation .
30 On Monday she finally knelt on the ground where he was killed and placed a wreath to his memory .
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